
Mr. Sreekanth N

Assistant Professor

He also mentors and guides students with their undergraduate projects and postgraduate thesis. He has served as a Liaison officer for Bangalore University.
As a member of the Nutrition and Nutraceutical Research Centre, he has been the main person behind organising the Food and Nutrition Forum at the Organics and Millets ‑International Trade Fair in 2018 and 2019. He organised the forum in association with the Karnataka State Department of Agriculture, Indian Dietetics Association, South India Chefs’ Association and International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics. He has carried the primary responsibility of organising workshops on varied themes including Millet Products, Introducing Smart Food into Industrial Catering Menus, Value-added Millet Products for Budding Entrepreneurs besides organising the Food Culinary Symposium. He is a member of the organising and sponsorship committee for National Conference on Health and Wellness through Nutrition and Nutraceuticals ‑2020.
He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Hotel Management from Bangalore University and a Master’s degree in Business Administration in Human Resources from KSOU, Mysore.


  • MBA

  • BHM


Total Experience: 17.42 years

Training Experience

1. Hospital Catering , Zenith Catering Solutions
2. Serving Etiquette and Hospitality ‑Shriram Properties
3. Vidya Niketan

Research Interest
Susbstitution of Base Cereals with Millets in Popular Indian Dishes, Use of green Leafy Vegetables in Soups.

Priya Arjun, Sreekanth N,. Preeta Singhal, (2020), Co-creation of Meal Experience through Technological Innovations at Akshaya Patra (2020) ‑Hospitium , Vol 2

  • Association of Food Scientists and Technologists , India
