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Award of Indian Patent to Faculty of Pharmacy

Prof. S. Bharath and Dr. J. Anbu, Faculty of Pharmacy obtained the Award of Indian Patent pertaining to the Invention entitled "NANO DRUG MEDIATED OCULAR INSERTS FOR EYE DISORDERS"

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NIRF Ranking 2024

Faculty of Pharmacy, RUAS been ranked 68th among all Pharmacy colleges in India


9 Academic Programmes
34 Faculty Members
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Undergraduate Programmes

Our Undergraduate Programmes are designed to provide students with a solid foundation in pharmaceutical sciences, emphasising both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Postgraduate Programmes

The Postgraduate Programmes at FPH incorporate the latest advancements in the field, ensuring that students are well-equipped to meet the dynamic challenges of the pharmaceutical industry.

Doctoral Programmes (Ph.D.)

Fostering critical thinking and research skills, our Doctoral Programmes prepare students for successful and impactful careers in the diverse realms of pharmacy and healthcare.


Message From The Dean

When unknown diseases wreak havoc upon people and countries, pharmacists stand at the frontlines, leading the medical effort to find cures and treatments. Their thorough knowledge of drugs, formulations, dosages, and effects provides a guiding light to doctors, helping them treat patients more effectively. Become one at M.S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences.


Indulge in Transformative Research


In the field of Pharmacy, research holds the key to better health and improved quality of life.

Sponsored Research Projects
Faculty of PHARMACY

Build Centres of Excellence to further national and societal interests

Faculty of PHARMACY

Collaborate with other academic institutions and organisations for research purposes

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Our Recruiters

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The Faculty of Pharmacy at MS Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (MSRUAS) boasts a strong connection with the industry through its robust network of recruiters and placement initiatives.


Highest International Package by VeBuln


Highest International Package by VeBuln


Highest International Package by VeBuln


Highest International Package by VeBuln

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Tech-enabled classrooms are a foundational component of the Faculty of Pharmacy, providing a dedicated learning environment for students.

Lecture Halls and Seminar Rooms
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Wi-Fi service has been enabled in the library for hassle-free access to e‑resources.

340 Books store in FPH library
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The Faculty of Pharmacy (FPH)

fph building

was established in 1992

The Faculty offers students a comprehensive education in the field of pharmacology. Led by qualified and attentive professors, FPH adopts an outcome-based approach to education.

Testimonials right arrow icon

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I am Nivedita Tiwari a post graduate in Pharmacy practice. Currently working at Labcorp as a Clinical Publishing Coordinator. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere gratitude for the amazing experience I had during my post graduation.
Nivedita Tiwari Clinical Publishing Coordinator at Labcorp
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It gives me immense pleasure to share that I’m currently working as Trainee Clinical Data Coordinator in “IQVIA”, Bengaluru.
Harsha R Clinical Data Coordinator
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I’m currently work as Clinical Data Coordinator at IQVIA. My career has been fantastic, and the strong foundations at Department of Pharmacology allowed me to build on all the unique learnings in this field.
Goutami R. Basannavar Clinical Data Coordinator
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Post completion of graduation, through college placement, I was selected for Phoenix Compliance Pvt Ltd as an Intern Clinical Data Coordinator where I worked for a period of 4 months (Sept-2021 to Jan-2022).
FOLITARTHA ROY Drug Safety Associate

Admission 2025


University House, New BEL Road, MSR Nagar, Bengaluru - 560054