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FMC Listed in CSR B-School Ranking 2024
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FMC Ranked 3rd in TOI B-School Survey 2023

Faculty of Management and Commerce, RUAS rated as “3rd Top Emerging BBA Institute” in the Times of India B-School Survey — 2023

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Certificate Program in "Technology and Innovation Management"

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Management and Commerce

4 Academic Programmes
33 Faculty Members
View All Programmes

Undergraduate Programmes

Designed to provide you with a strong foundation and the necessary skills to launch your career successfully and gain a competitive advantage in your chosen field.

Postgraduate Programmes

Provide you with specialised expertise in your field and help students deepen their knowledge, gain advanced skills, and take on leadership roles in their respective industries.

Doctoral Programmes (Ph.D.)

Designed for aspiring experts and thought leaders in their respective fields and offer an unparalleled opportunity for in-depth exploration and groundbreaking research.


Message From The DEAN

Today’s world is in a state of constant flux. From business models to entire industries, change is not only expected, it is inevitable. The primary responsibility of a business management school is to equip students with the relevant knowledge, skills, and attributes necessary to navigate an ever-changing future.


Research is an unending quest to understand


Research is an unending quest to understand, rediscover, and improve current realities.

Sponsored Research Projects

At FMC, research is conducted in line with the University’s vision


In the field of Management and Commerce, it holds the potential to transform organisations, and industries.

Recruiters and Placement

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Corporates, SMEs and Industry Associations are Welcome to recruit our B-School Students who are exposed to Experiential Learning, Team Building, and Digital Savvy to suit the contemporary scenario

11.5 LPA

Highest Package by Federal Bank



Every classroom has audio-visual facilities including live streaming of classroom teaching



The FMC Library has more than 3000 documents consisting of Management books, Journals, theses, dissertations, back Volumes of Journals, Project reports, CD-ROMs,

3k Documents

The Faculty of Management and Commerce

fmc building

Heartily welcomes aspiring students of the Faculty.

The world is progressing at a rapid pace transforming ways of thinking, doing, and living. The business world too is progressing and is now experiencing the fourth industrial revolution popularly termed Industry 4.0. In Industry 4.0, technology is the prime mover.

Testimonials right arrow icon

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I joined RUAS in 2014 as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Commerce of FMC. This was my first teaching job, I worked for 6 months in an Investment
Renee Namratha Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce
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My reviews on FMC - I joined FMC in 2015 as a Professor when I moved back to Bengaluru from TAPMI Manipal. It’s been an amazing journey at FMC - MSRUAS,
Dr. H S Srivatsa Professor, Department of Management Studies
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I joined RUAS right after completing my PhD from IISc, Bangalore. This was my 1st academic experience, having worked earlier in the Chemical and IT industry.
Dr. Chandra Sen Mazumdar Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies
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Leaving home and opening up a new chapter in life i.e., college life and tuning with a whole new lifestyle was not much easier before I discovered a new family to grow with them for the next 3 years.
Prakriti B.Com (Hons), 2018-2021

Admission 2025


University House, New BEL Road, MSR Nagar, Bengaluru - 560054