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The Directorate of Training and Lifelong Learning (DTLL) is the competency wing of RUAS providing an effective platform for enormous exchange of knowledge through carefully designed Reskilling and upskilling programmes for fresh graduates and practicing professionals from industry, business and academia through various B. Voc and PGD programs.

It also facilitates a spectrum of tailor-made domain specific Corporate training programs to client organizations. The Directorate facilitates delivery of all the courses through in-house expertise and state of the art laboratories of various Faculties of the University.

1600+ candidates trained
30 - 300 hour software and electronics certification courses

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The mission of the directorate is to provide effective continued professional development and learning through programs that are strategically structured to cater to the learning needs of the student community, working professionals and corporate organizations. We commit to providing skilling, reskilling and upskilling programs using the state-of-the-art facilities available in the University to realize professional goals and improve the standards of work output in the country


The Directorate of Training and Lifelong Learning through RUAS, with industry will foster a work ready student community, and inculcate a sense of lifelong learning to take RUAS to the top academic universities in India and transform India into a hub for sustainable and equitable industrial solutions for current and future generations.

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Director’s Message

Welcome to the Directorate of Training and Lifelong Learning (DTLL) at Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences. I am thrilled that you have chosen to further your career goals and achieve your professional aspirations. Our programs have been carefully curated together with industry experts to equip you with the requisite skills and knowledge to succeed in your professional and personal life.

Learning is a continuous process and we believe that those who choose to learn always stay ahead. Therefore, we provide a learning experience that is both impactful and enjoyable. We have programs for various needs from certifications, post graduate diplomas and vocational degree programs offered through the highly knowledgeable faculty of Ramaiah University.

Our team of expert trainers and facilitators will ensure that the programs meet the highest standards of quality and prepares you for the skills needed in your respective industry. The faculty possess a wealth of knowledge and expertise in their fields and are committed to help you achieve your goals.

Through DTLL, we hope to empower you as we have done successfully in the past, with the necessary skills and knowledge to take charge of your personal and professional development. Additionally, we believe that our programs will benefit your organization as you bring new and valuable skills to the workplace. Together, with you, we endeavour to help you achieve your full potential in the work place.

Admission 2024


New BEL Road, MSR Nagar , Bangalore - 560054