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Dr. Sylvia Mathew

Dr. Sylvia Mathew


  • School/College

    Faculty of Dental Sciences

  • Department

    Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics

Dr. Sylvia Mathew is an alumnus of CODS, MAHE, Manipal. She is presently working as Professor in the Department of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics. She has been guiding UG and PG students both in academics as well as Research since 29 years. She is also a supervisor to Ph.D. students. She has around 56 national and international publications in reputed journals. She has obtained research grants from ICMR, DBT and RUAS both as Co-PI as well as PI.


  • PG with Specialization

    Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics CODS, Manipal ,Mangalore University, 1994

  • UG with Specialization

    CODS, Manipal ,Mangalore University, 1991


Total Years of Experience
  • 28 Years 9 Months
Academic Experience
  • CODS, Manipal - 1 Year
  • FDS, RUAS MSRDC0 - 27 Years 9 Months

Training Experience (With Topics)

  • Microendodontics - Dr. Vivek Hegde
  • Lasers
  • Systematic review
  • Training of Teachers
  • Active Bleeding Control
  • Code Blue Training
  • CBCT in Endodontics

  • Biomaterials, Regeneration

  • Award for excellence in teaching - Quality Assurance Cell, MS Ramaiah Dental College - 2013
  • International Womens Day award by Gokula Education Foundation for yeoman service to the institution - 2014
  • Reviewer-Journal of Conservative Dentistry
  • T.M.A. Pai Gold medal for the Best outgoing student
  • Sunder Vazirani Gold Medal for the best outgoing student
  • Cibaca Merit Award for academic excellence
Research Grants

Principal Investigator- Development and Characterization of a Local Drug Delivery System for disinfection and regeneration in Endodontics - 3 Lakhs

Co-P Investigator - Characterization of liquid Platelet rich fibrin as a novel drug delivery system for Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Biodentin - a pilot Study. ICMR-grant received Rs 12,50,000

Co-PI- Fabrication and characterization of Bioactive Nano Wafer Enriched with Lyophilized Platelet Rich Fibrin and Nano Hydroxyapatite for Vital Pulp Therapy-DBT-grant received-Rs 24,00,000

National Conference Papers
  • Effect of various desensitizing agents on the shear bond strength of resin composites to dentin - 19th Scientific congress of Asian Pacific Endodontic Confederation, NCR, New Delhi-2017
  • Characterization of a Novel Drug Delivery System for Mineral Trioxide Aggregate and Biodentine: A Pilot Study- IESCON2023 - 31st National conference of Indian Endodontic Society at Bhubaneswar
National Journal Papers
  • Narang, P., Murthy, B.S. and Mathew, S., 2006. Evaluation of two post and core systems using fracture strength test and finite element analysis. Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 9(3), p.99.
  • Ramani, N. and Mathew, S., 2012. Comparative evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of chlorhexidine digluconate and propolis when used as an intracanal medicament: ex vivo study. Journal of International Oral Health, 4(2), p.17.
  • Sumeera, K., Mathew, S., Hegde, S., Muthy, B. and George, J., 2012. Antimicrobial effects of the combination of chlorhexidine and fluoride varnish in young adult population. World Journal of dentistry, 3(4), pp.290-3.
  • Madhu, K.S., Hegde, S., Mathew, S., Lata, D.A., Bhandi, S.H. and Shruthi, N., 2013. Comparison of radicular peroxide leakage from four commonly used bleaching agents following intracoronal bleaching in endodontically treated teeth-an in vitro study. Journal of International Oral Health: JIOH, 5(4), p.49.
  • Chandra, S. and Mathew, S., 2014. Endodontic treatment of maxillary ‘radiculous’: a case report. Endodontology, 26(2), p.314.
  • Swetha, B., Mathew, S., Murthy, B.S., Shruthi, N. and Bhandi, S.H., 2015. Determination of biocompatibility: A review. International Dental & Medical Journal of Advanced Research, 1(1), pp.1-6.
  • Sowmya, B., Hegde, S., Mathew, S. and Bhandi, S.H., 2015. Maturogenesis of immature non-vital permanent tooth: A case report. IJCDS, 6, pp.7-10.
  • Sowmya, B., Mathew, S., Narayana, I. and Hedge, S., 2015. Management of mutilated molars with altered canal morphology: a case report. Endodontology, 27(1), p.66.
  • Goyal, A., Mathew, S., George, J.V., Singh, R. and Premkumar, R., 2015. Our needles in the haystack: An endodontist’s review and case reports. Int J Contemp Dent Med Rev, pp1-6.
  • Chandra, S., Mathew, S., Sathishwaran, J. and Sejal, K.M., 2015. Managing the spaghetti phenomenon: A Case Report. Endodontology, 27(2), pp.180-183.
  • Bhuyan, D., Shah, N., Mathew, S., George, J.V. and Parvekar, P., 2016. Thinking beyond extraction: Hemisection with PRF as an alternative treatment option. Inst Integr Omics Appl Biotechnol J, 7, pp.82-7.
  • Sowmya, B., Chandra, S., Telang, A., Mathew, S. and George, J.V., 2016. MAXILLARY FIRST MOLAR: AN ENIGMA FOR ENDODONTISTS. IIOAB JOURNAL, 7(6), pp.18-23.
  • Joshi, N., Mathew, S., George, J.V., Hegde, S., Bhandi, S. and Madhu, K.S., 2016. Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of two modes of delivery of Piroxicam (Dolonex®) for the management of postendodontic pain: A randomized control trial. Journal of Conservative Dentistry: JCD, 19(4), p.301.
  • Varghese, V.S., George, J.V., Mathew, S., Nagaraja, S., Indiresha, H.N. and Madhu, K.S., 2016. Cone beam computed tomographic evaluation of two access cavity designs and instrumentation on the thickness of peri-cervical dentin in mandibular anterior teeth. Journal of Conservative Dentistry: JCD, 19(5), p.450.
  • Goyal, A., George, D.J.V., Mathew, D.S., Singh, D.R. and Ramesh, D., 2016. Effect of four commercial mouth rinses on the microhardness and solubility of a supra nanocomposite and a microhybrid composite: An in vitro study. Sch J Dent Sci, 3(10), pp.271-7.
  • Shah, N., Madhu, K.S., Murthy, B.S., Hemanth, B., Mathew, S. and Nagaraj, S., 2016. Identification of presence of Candida albicans in primary root canal infections: An in vitro study. Endodontology, 28(2), p.109.
  • Gupta, T., Nagaraja, S., Mathew, S., Narayana, I.H., Madhu, K.S. and Dinesh, K., 2017. Effect of desensitization using bioactive glass, hydroxyapatite, and diode laser on the shear bond strength of resin composites measured at different time intervals: An In vitro Study. Contemporary clinical dentistry, 8(2), p.244.
  • Hegde, S., Sowmya, B., Mathew, S., Bhandi, S.H., Nagaraja, S. and Dinesh, K., 2017. Clinical evaluation of mineral trioxide aggregate and biodentine as direct pulp capping agents in carious teeth. Journal of conservative dentistry: JCD, 20(2), p.91.
  • Gupta, T., Nagaraja, S., Mathew, S., and Mangal, S., 2017. Knowledge and management of attitude regarding dentin hypersensitivity among dentists in city of Bangalore. Journal of Dental and Orofacial Research, 13(1), pp.17-21.
  • Balamukundan, S., Murthy, S., Mathew, S., Ramesh, P., Narayana, I. and Nagaraja, S., 2017. Comparative Evaluation of the Effect of Tooth Brushing on Surface Gloss and Roughness of Three Different Resin Composites: An In-Vitro Study. Journal of Dental and Orofacial Research, 13(2), pp.3-9.
  • Mangal, S., Mathew, S., Murthy, B.S., Nagaraja, S., Dinesh, K. and Ramesh, P., 2018. Cone-beam computed tomographic evaluation of remaining dentin thickness in bifurcated roots of maxillary first premolars after rotary instrumentation and post space preparation: An in vitro study. Journal of Conservative Dentistry: JCD, 21(1), p.63.
  • Narang, K., Nayak, M., Wahed, A., George, J.V. and Mathew, S., 2018. Management of Non-Vital Teeth with Open Apices using MTA: Two Case Reports. Journal of Dental and Orofacial Research, 14(1), pp.75-79.
  • Madhu, K.S. and Mathew, S., 2018. Review of microbiology of endodontics and molecular identification of microorganisms from endodontic infections. J OTOLARYNGOL-HEAD, (10), p.10.
  • Mathew, S., Jethani, B., Kumari, M., Jain, N., Nambiar, S. and Nair, S., 2019. Radix Entomolaris-Case Series. Journal of Dental and Orofacial Research, 15(1), pp.51-56.
  • Sarika Chandra, Sylvia Mathew, B.V.Sreenivasa Murthy, Swaroop Hegde, Poornima Ramesh, John V. George, 2019. Sealing ability of C point -smart paste bio versus Gutta percha- AH plus using glucose leakage Model: an in-vitro study. IOABJ; 10(3): 1-4.
  • Rajatha, S., Dinesh, K., Lakshmi, M.S., Shruthi, N. and Sylvia, M., 2019, November. Analysis of Interaction Between Chlorine Dioxide and Bispyridine-based Irrigating Solution–an Observational Study. In Conference on Drug Design and Discovery Technologies (pp. 263-265).
  • Nagaraja, S., Mathew, S., Abraham, A., Ramesh, P. and Chandanala, S., 2020. Evaluation of vascular endothelial growth factor–A release from platelet-rich fibrin, platelet-rich fibrin matrix, and dental pulp at different time intervals. Journal of Conservative Dentistry: JCD, 23(4), p.359.
  • Mathew, R., Hegde, S., Mathew, S., Shruthi, N. and Geevarghese, S., 2021. Antimicrobial activity of a remineralizing paste containing Strontium doped Nano hydroxyapatite (Sr-nHAp) with Non Collagenous Protein (NCP) analogue Chitosan–An in vitro study. Materials Today: Proceedings, 46, pp.5975-5979.
  • Geevarghese, S., Mathew, S. and Mathew, R., 2021. Evaluation of the effect of a remineralising paste containing strontium doped nanohydroxyapatite with Non-Collagenous protein analogue-chitosan on the characteristics of partially demineralized dentin-An in vitro study. Materials Today: Proceedings, 46, pp.5958-5963.
  • Nair, S., Mathew, S., George, J.V., Mathew, R., Nair, A.S. and Issac, C., 2021. Effect of Remineralisation with Nano-hydroxyapatite (nHAp) and Non-collagenous Protein Analogues (PAA and STPP) on the Micro Tensile Bond Strength of the Resin Composites to Dentin–An In vitro Study. Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 33(43B), pp.466-474.
  • Nambiar, S., Kumari, M., Mathew, S., Hegde, S., Ramesh, P. and Shetty, N., 2021. Effect of nano-hydroxyapatite with biomimetic analogues on the characteristics of partially demineralized dentin: An in-vitro study. Indian Journal of Dental Research, 32(3), p.385.
  • Dhananjaya, G., Mathew, S., Raja, D. and Parasuram, P., 2022. In-Silico Analysis of the Binding Affinity of 1-DNJ Compound from Mulberry Plant against Caries Causing Enzymes. ECS Transactions, 107(1), p.17681.
  • Shah, N., Telang, A., Chandra, S., Mathew, S., and Dinesh, K., 2016. Restoration of Mutilated Teeth Using Alternate Aesthetic Post Systems. Journal of Dental and Orofacial Research, 12(1), pp.44-49.
  • Arbiya A., Swaroop Hegde, Sylvia Mathew, 2019. Minimally invasive Endodontics –A review. J. of Dental and Orofacial Research, 15:(2).
  • Sylvia Mathew, B.V.Sreenivasa Murthy, Sumeera.K.H., 2010. Clinical applications of MTA. Dento vision, 36-9.
  • Sylvia Mathew, Sumeera KH. 2011. Clinical applications of prefabricated posts: Dentovision: pp37-42.
  • Sylvia Mathew, Poornima Ramesh, 2012. Recent Advances in Direct Composites. Journal of Dental and Orofacial Research, 8(1), pp 55-60.
  • Nidhi Mehta, Sylvia Mathew, 2013. Minimal Invasive Dentistry: A Review. Journal of Dental & Orofacial Research, 9(1), pp. 44-48.
  • Sarika, M Sylvia, 2014. Development of home-based pH sensor kit for periodic monitoring of dental caries. International review of applied biotechnology and biochemistry. 2 (1): 95-105.
  • Manmohan Soni, Swaroop Hegde, Sylvia Mathew, K S Madhu, 2014. Rotary systems: An Insight: Journal of Dental and Orofacial Research, 10(2), pp.16-20.
International Journal Papers
  • Simon, S.T., Bhat, K.S. and Francis, R., 1995. Effect of four vehicles on the pH of calcium hydroxide and the release of calcium ion. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 80(4), pp.459-464.
  • Nagaraja, S., Murthy, S. and Mathew, S., 2013. " TAURODONTISM" AN ENDODONTIC ENIGMA: A CASE REPORT. Pakistan Oral and Dental Journal, 33(3).
  • Ramesh, P., Mathew, S., Murthy, S.B., George, J.V., Hegde, S. and Premkumar, R., 2016. Efficacy of Ribbond and a fibre post on the fracture resistance of reattached maxillary central incisors with two fracture patterns: a comparative in vitro study. Dental Traumatology, 32(2), pp.110-115.


Dr. Shruthi Nagaraja, Dr. Sylvia Mathew, Dr. Rajatha V Shetty, Dr. Sherin Geevarghese, Dr. Rhea S Mathew, Dr. Stuti Kedia, Dr. Eva Shukla  “A FLEXIBLE MIRROR WITH DUAL SUCTION TUBE” (Patent No: 481797 on 13/12/2023) from the Indian Patent Office.

Admission 2025


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