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Google Scholar, Orchid ID: 0000-0003-4756-4367, Scopus ID : 56830192100
Dr. Poornima Ramesh
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Dental Sciences
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
Dr. Poornima Ramesh is a passionate teacher and a trained micro-endodontist who holds special interest in Microscope-enhanced Dentistry, Root Canal Instrument Retrieval and Rubber dam applications. She has guided UG and PG projects since 2017, has published papers in National and International Journals and delivered numerous guest lectures at National and Specialization-specific platforms. She has been a resource person for numerous workshops on Rotary Endodontics and Magnification organized at the Department and the University. She is the Member Secretary of Department Academic Advisory Planning Committee at FDS since its inception in Feb 2021 and is actively involved in Academic and administrative activities at FDS. She is also a member of the Hospital Infection Control Committee (HICC) at FDS and has contributed to the functioning of EHR software at the Department. She is a dependable and resourceful member of the team and has assisted in organizing several academic, cultural events and conferences at RUAS.
- Masters’ Fellowship in Micro-Endodontics
Saveetha Dental College, Chennai, 2021
M.S.Ramaiah Dental College and Hospital, Bengaluru (RGUHS), 2011-14
M.S.Ramaiah Dental College and Hospital, Bengaluru (RGUHS), 2005-10
Total Years of Experience9 Years
Academic Experience
- Sr. Lecturer at KLE Society’s Institute of Dental Sciences, Bengaluru – 15th June 2015 – 31st Jan 2016
- Assistant Professor at Faculty of Dental Sciences, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences – 1st Feb 2016 till date
Training Experience (With Topics)
- Attended Minimally invasive and predictable broken file removal Hands-on workshop by Dr. Yoshi Terauchi at 31st national conference of Indian Endodontic Society held on 1st Oct 2023
- Micro-Endodontics – Masters’ Fellowship in Micro-endodontics from Saveetha University under the guidance of Dr. Narasimhan Bharadwaj, July - Dec 2021
- Attended hands-on workshop on Management of mid-root splits by Dr. Sanil Natekar at the 1st Style Italiano Endodontics India International conference, 4th-5th Feb 2023
- Attended workshop on Systematic Review by Dr. Denny John, March 18th-20th 2023
- Code Blue Training and Active Bleeding Control conducted by the Emergency Medicine Department, RMC – June 2022
- Lasers Workshop – 2020, 2021
- Cariology
- Regenerative Endodontics
- Micro-endodontics
- 8th rank in RGUHS MDS Post-graduate Examination – 2014
- 4th rank in Karnataka Post Graduate Entrance Examination (K-CET), 2011
- Best Paper Award: “Challenging Periradicular Lesions – A Regenerative Approach” at the 14th IACDE PG Convention, Dharwad, June 2013
- 1st Prize in a written examination conducted at Finish Lines Jan 2014, Sri Ramachandra University, Faculty of Dental Sciences, Chennai
- Academic Proficiency in UG: Secured highest marks in Anatomy (I yr BDS) & Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics (IV yr BDS) at the college level. Secured second highest marks overall in I, III & IV BDS at the college level
National Conference Papers
- Paper Presentation on “Perforation Repair” at the 70th Indian Dental National Conference, Navi Mumbai, Feb 2017
- Paper presented on Endodontic-Orthodontic Inter-relationships at 46th Karnataka State & 5th inter-state dental conference, 14th to 16th December 2018, Bangalore
- Paper presented on ‘Management of Radiation Caries’ at Indian Society of Prosthodontic, Restorative and Periodontics National Conference, Aug 2nd-4th 2019, JSS Institute, Mysore
- Paper presented titled, “Instrument retrieval: A case series” at 31st IES national conference at Bhubaneswar, Sept 29th to Oct 1st 2023.
International Conference Papers
- Paper presented at 12th IFEA WEC 2021 internal Conference 31st July-1st Aug 2021, titled, "Artificial Intelligence in Endodontics: Present Scenario and future possibilities."
- Poornima Ramesh. Artificial intelligence in endodontics: Present scenario and future possibilities. 2021. Endodontology, 33 (Special Online Supplement Issue), S-35.
- Dinesh Kalasaiaha, Kavimalar Ravichandran, Shruthi Nagaraja, Poornima Ramesh, Nithin Kumar Shetty, Swaroop Hegde. Management of dental pulp stone: Alternative method. 2021. Endodontology, 33 (Special Online Supplement Issue), S-35.
- Nithin Kumar Shetty, Poornima Ramesh, Dinesh Kalasaiaha, Swaroop Hegde. Guided endodontics: The future of endodontics. 2021. Endodontology, 33 (Special Online Supplement Issue), S-36.
- Swaroop Hegde, Soumyadeep Ghosh, Nithin Kumar Shetty, Poornima Ramesh, Dinesh Kalasaiaha, Shruthi Nagaraja. Management of procedural mishaps: A case report. 2021. Endodontology, 33 (Special Online Supplement Issue), S-44.
National Journal Papers
- Shivani Mangal, Sylvia Mathew, Poornima Ramesh and Timsi Gupta (2016) Retreatodontics Aided With CBCT: A Case Report, J. of Dental & Oro-facial Research, 12(2), pp. 43 – 46.
- Balamukundan, S., Murthy, S., Mathew, S., Ramesh, P., Narayana, I. and Nagaraja, S., 2017. Comparative Evaluation of the Effect of Tooth Brushing on Surface Gloss and Roughness of Three Different Resin Composites: An In-Vitro Study. Journal of Dental and Orofacial Research, 13(2), pp.3-9
- Sylvia Mathew, Poornima Ramesh (2012). Recent Advances in Direct Composites. Dentovision, 8(1),pp. 55-60.
- Nambiar, S., Kumari, M., Mathew, S., Hegde, S., Ramesh, P. and Shetty, N., 2021. Effect of nano-hydroxyapatite with biomimetic analogues on the characteristics of partially demineralised dentin: An in-vitro study. Indian Journal of Dental Research, 32(3), p.385.
- Mangal, S., Mathew, S., Murthy, B.S., Hegde, S., Dinesh, K. and Ramesh, P., 2020. The efficacy of transdermal and oral diclofenac for post-endodontic pain control: A randomised controlled trial. Indian Journal of Dental Research, 31(1), p.53.
- Sarika Chandra, Sylvia Mathew, Sreenivasa Murthy, B. V., Poornima Ramesh, John, V. George and Swaroop Hegde (2019) Sealing Ability of Cpoint Smart Paste Bio versus Gutta Percha-AH Plus using Glucose Leakage Model: An In Vitro Study, Institute of Integrative Omics and Applied Biotechnology J., 10(03), pp. 01 – 04.
International Journal Papers
- Ramesh, P., Mathew, S., Murthy, S.B., George, J.V., Hegde, S. and Premkumar, R., 2016. Efficacy of Ribbond and a fibre post on the fracture resistance of reattached maxillary central incisors with two fracture patterns: a comparative in vitro study. Dental Traumatology, 32(2), pp.110-115.
- Goyal, A., George, D.J.V., Mathew, D.S., Singh, D.R. and Ramesh, P., 2016. Effect of four commercial mouth rinses on the microhardness and solubility of a supra nanocomposite and a microhybrid composite: An in vitro study. Sch J Dent Sci, 3(10), pp.271-7.
- Mangal, S., Mathew, S., Murthy, B.S., Nagaraja, S., Dinesh, K. and Ramesh, P., 2018. Cone-beam computed tomographic evaluation of remaining dentin thickness in bifurcated roots of maxillary first premolars after rotary instrumentation and post space preparation: An in vitro study. Journal of Conservative Dentistry: JCD, 21(1), p.63.
- Nagaraja, S., Mathew, S., Abraham, A., Ramesh, P. and Chandanala, S., 2020. Evaluation of vascular endothelial growth factor–A release from platelet-rich fibrin, platelet-rich fibrin matrix, and dental pulp at different time intervals. Journal of Conservative Dentistry: JCD, 23(4), p.359.
- Agarwal, M., Dinesh, K., Mathew, S., Ramesh, P., Shetty, N.K. and Narayana, I.H., 2022. Evaluation of the effect of remineralization with strontium-doped nanohydroxyapatite with non-collagenous protein analog: Chitosan on the shear bond strength of resin composite to dentin–An in vitro study. Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 25(6), p.648.
- Ravichandran, K., Dinesh, K., Nagaraja, S., Srinivasan, B., Shetty, N. and Ramesh, P., 2022. Comparative evaluation of decalcifying agents for dissolution of pulp stones: An in vitro study. Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 25(4), p.356.
- Telang, A., Narayana, I.H., Madhu, K.S., Kalasaiah, D., Ramesh, P. and Nagaraja, S., 2018. Effect of staining and bleaching on color stability and surface roughness of three resin composites: An in vitro study. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry, 9(3), p.452.
- Dundage Saraswati, Dinesh K, Nithin Shetty, Poornima Ramesh, Indiresha HN, Shruthi N. Bonding performance of universal adhesive in different etching modes: A review. Int J Health Sci Res. 2024;14(4):349-357.
- Indian Association of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics (IACDE)
- Indian Endodontic Society (IES)
- Association of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics of Karnataka (ACE-K)