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Dr. Nivas Kumar G A

Dr. Nivas Kumar G A

Assistant Professor

  • School/College

    Faculty of Dental Sciences

  • Department

    Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics

Assistant Professor in the department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics.


  • MDS

    Dayananda Sagar College of Dental Sciences, RGUHS, 2023

  • BDS

    FDS, RUAS, 2018


Total Years of Experience

7 Months

Academic Experience

KLE Society’s Institute of Dental Sciences - 6 Months FDS, RUAS from 18-03-2024 till date

  • Micro - Endodontics, Dentin Biomodification

  • Resin Cement. Lambert Academic Publishing 2023

  • Nivaskumar GA, Ranjini MA, Vedavathi B, Ambili C, Prathiksha SK. Effect of resveratrol pretreatment of radicular dentin on immediate and delayed pushout bond strength of fiber post luted using self-adhesive resin cement: An in vitro study. J Conserv Dent Endod 2023;26:579-83.
  • Garain R, Swapna DV, Nivaskumar G, Prakruthi SN, Vedavathi B. Esthetic management of a patient with cleft lip and palate. Indian J Case Reports. 2022;8(8):240-242.
  • Dr. Nivaskumar G A, Dr. Ranjini M A, Dr. Vedavathi B, Dr. Priyanka Girish, Dr. Megha K. Comprehensive esthetic and morphofunctional rehabilitation of Molar incisor hypomineralization (MIH) - A case report. Bangalore Dental Journal 2022; 5(2): ISSN: 2278-6686

Admission 2025


University House, New BEL Road, MSR Nagar, Bengaluru - 560054