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Dr. Nithin Shetty
Faculty of Dental Sciences
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics
Dr. Nithin Shetty is currently working as Associate professor ,Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics in Faculty of Dental Sciences from 2018.With a Total teaching experience over 9 years .He is actively involved in Undergraduate and Postgraduate Teaching and has been PG guide for last 3 years with more than 14 Publications in both National and International Journals. He is a resource person for Rotary Endodontics , NiTi files , Rubber Dam and Micro-Endodontics and has conducted several Hands on work Shop .
- PG with Specialization
K.L.E Dental College, 2013
- UG with Specialization
M.S Ramaiaha Dental college, 2008-09
Total Years of Experience10 Years 9 Months
Academic Experience10 Years 9 Months
Training Experience (With Topics)
- Restorations and occlusion
- Smile Designing
- Code Blue Training
- Basic Life Support
- Lasers
- Active Bleeding Control
- Composite resins
- Endodontic Irrigants
National Conference Papers
- Luting Cements : IDA National Conference
- Novel 3D printed Typodont Teeth for Pre-clinical Conservative Dentistry exercise: 38th IACDE conference
International Conference Papers
- Nithin Kumar Shetty, Poornima Ramesh, Dinesh Kalasaiaha, Swaroop Hegde. Guided endodontics: The future of endodontics. 2021. Endodontology, 33 (Special Online Supplement Issue), S-36.
- Dinesh Kalasaiaha, Kavimalar Ravichandran, Shruthi Nagaraja, Poornima Ramesh, Nithin Kumar Shetty, Swaroop Hegde. Management of dental pulp stone: Alternative method. 2021. Endodontology, 33 (Special Online Supplement Issue), S-35.
- Swaroop Hegde, Soumyadeep Ghosh, Nithin Kumar Shetty, Poornima Ramesh, Dinesh Kalasaiaha, Shruthi Nagaraja. Management of procedural mishaps: A case report. 2021. Endodontology, 33 (Special Online Supplement Issue), S-44.
Journal Papers
- Evaluation of free available chlorine of sodium hypochlorite when admixed with 0.2% chitosan: A preliminary study J Contemp Dent Pract 22 (10), 1171-73
- Effect of Nano-Hydroxyapatite with Biomimetic Analogues on The Characteristics of Partially Demineralised Dentin: An: In-Vitro: Study Indian Journal of Dental Research 32 (3), 385-389
- Comparative evaluation of decalcifying agents for dissolution of pulp stones: An: in vitro: study Journal of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics 25 (4), 356-362
- Evaluation of the effect of remineralization with strontium-doped nanohydroxyapatite with noncollagenous protein analog: Chitosan on the shear bond strength of resin composite. Journal of Conservative Dentistry 25 (6), 648-653
- Evaluation of marginal adaptation of composite restorations reinforced with novel enamel inserts (biofillers) in class V cavities The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice 21 (12), 1369
- Effect of conventional irrigation and photoactivated disinfection on Enterococcus faecalis in root canals: An: in vitro: study Journal of Conservative Dentistry 20 (2), 125-128
- Effect of Bleaching on the Microhardness and Modulus of Elasticity of ACTIVA BioACTIVE–RESTORATIVE: An In Vitro Study Journal of Advanced Oral Research 14 (2), 190-197
- Phytic Acid: A Novel Dentine Conditioning Agent for Glass Ionomer Cement Restorations: An In Vitro Scanning Electron Microscopic Study Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences 15 (Suppl 1), S391-S39
- Evaluation of Root Reinforcement Potential Of Different Intraorifice Barriers In Gutta Percha Obturated Root Canals-An In Vitro Study Int J Dentistry Oral Sci 8 (02), 1733-173
- Types of post and core systems: Review Journal of International Oral Health 8 (12), 1136-1139
- Choice of post and core systems in endodontics: Review Journal of International Oral Health 8 (3), 409-411
- Advanced Imaging modalities in Endodontics–A Review Journal of Biomedical Engineering 40 (3), 118-129