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Dr. Dinesh Kalasaiaha


  • School/College

    Faculty of Dental Sciences

  • Department

    Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics

Dr. Dinesh.K is currently working as Associate professor in the department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics in Faculty of Dental Sciences from 2012.He is actively involved in Undergraduate and Postgraduate Teaching and has been PG guide for last 5 years and has more than 20 Publications in both National and International Journals. He is a resource person for Rotary Endodontics and Micro-Endodontics Hands on work Shop .He is also actively participated in organizing many National Level Conferences


  • PG with Specialization

    M.S. Ramaiaha Dental college, 2012

  • UG with Specialization

    Raja Rajeshwari Dental College, 2007-08


Total Years of Experience
  • 11 Years 5 Months
Academic Experience
  • 11 Years 5 Months
Clinical Experience
  • 15 Years

Training Experience (With Topics)

  • Single Visit Endodontics
  • Microendodontics
  • Code Blue Training and Active Bleeding Control conducted by the Emergency Medicine Department

  • Endodontics
  • Bond strength
  • Regenerative Endodontics

National Conference Papers
  • Magnification in Endodontics - IDA Puttur 2016
International Conference Papers
  • Dinesh Kalasaiaha, Kavimalar Ravichandran, Shruthi Nagaraja, Poornima Ramesh, Nithin Kumar Shetty, Swaroop Hegde. Management of dental pulp stone: Alternative method. 2021. Endodontology, 33 (Special Online Supplement Issue), S-35.
  • Nithin Kumar Shetty, Poornima Ramesh, Dinesh Kalasaiaha, Swaroop Hegde. Guided endodontics: The future of endodontics. 2021. Endodontology, 33 (Special Online Supplement Issue), S-36.
  • Swaroop Hegde, Soumyadeep Ghosh, Nithin Kumar Shetty, Poornima Ramesh, Dinesh Kalasaiaha, Shruthi Nagaraja. Management of procedural mishaps: A case report. 2021. Endodontology, 33 (Special Online Supplement Issue), S-44.
National Journal Papers
  • Treatment options for teeth with open apices. Dentovision MSRDC 2010: 15-9
  • Endodontic Management of an Anatomically Variant Palatal Root with Two Canals in a Maxillary First Molar with the Aid of Spiral Computed Tomography. IJHSR 2014
  • Dinesh, K., Murthy, B.S., Narayana, I.H., Hegde, S., Madhu, K.S. and Nagaraja, S., 2014. The Effect of 2% Chlorhexidine on the Bond Strength of Two Different Obturating Materials. The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, 15(1), pp.82-85.
  • Metri, M., Hegde, S., Dinesh, K., Indiresha, H.N., Nagaraj, S. and Bhandi, S.H., 2015. Comparative evaluation of two final irrigation techniques for the removal of precipitate formed by the interaction between sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine. J Contemp Dent Pract, 16(11), pp.850-853.
  • Shah, N., Telang, A., Chandra, S., Mathew, S. and Dinesh, K., 2016. Restoration of Mutilated Teeth Using Alternate Aesthetic Post Systems. Journal of Dental and Orofacial Research, 12(1), pp.44-49.
  • Nayak, M., Dinesh, K., Hegde, S., Kumari, M. and Narang, K., 2018. Motion Kinematics and Cyclic Fatigue Resistance of Nickel-Titanium Rotary Instruments - A Systematic Review. Journal of Dental and Orofacial Research, 14(2), pp.88-93.
  • Mangal, S., Mathew, S., Murthy, B.S., Hegde, S., Dinesh, K. and Ramesh, P., 2020. The efficacy of transdermal and oral diclofenac for post-endodontic pain control: A randomized controlled trial. Indian Journal of Dental Research, 31(1), p.53.
  • S Kedia, I Narayana, RV Shetty, E Shukla, D Kalasaiah 2023. Stress Distribution in Teeth Restored with Different Posts Using Single or Multi-post Technique: A Three-dimensional Finite Element Analysis. Conservative Dentistry and Endodontic Journal 7 (1), 1-6
  • D Saraswati , Dinesh, K., Nagaraja, S., Shetty, N. and Ramesh, P, Narayana, I.H , Nagaraja, S., 2024. Bonding Performance of Universal Adhesive in Different Etching Modes: A Review. International Journal of Health Sciences and Research 14 (4)
International Journal Papers
  • Ravichandran, K., Dinesh, K., Nagaraja, S., Srinivasan, B., Shetty, N. and Ramesh, P., 2022. Comparative evaluation of decalcifying agents for dissolution of pulp stones: An in vitro study. Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 25(4), p.356.
  • Agarwal, M., Dinesh, K., Mathew, S., Ramesh, P., Shetty, N.K. and Narayana, I.H., 2022. Evaluation of the effect of remineralization with strontium-doped nanohydroxyapatite with noncollagenous protein analog: Chitosan on the shear bond strength of resin composite to dentin – An in vitro study. Journal of Conservative Dentistry, 25(6), p.648.
  • Jethani, B., Narayana, I.H. and Mathew, S., 2019. Influence of Music Therapy On Anxiety, Pain Perception, Heart Rate and Blood Pressure of Patients Undergoing Endodontic Treatment - A Randomized Control Trial. International Journal of Scientific Research Volume-8(11)
  • Rajatha, S., Dinesh, K., Lakshmi, M.S., Shruthi, N. and Sylvia, M., 2019, November. Analysis of Interaction Between Chlorine Dioxide and Bispyridine-based Irrigating Solution – an Observational Study. In Conference on Drug Design and Discovery Technologies (pp. 263-265).
  • Telang, A., Narayana, I.H., Madhu, K.S., Kalasaiah, D., Ramesh, P. and Nagaraja, S., 2018. Effect of staining and bleaching on color stability and surface roughness of three resin composites: An in vitro study. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry, 9(3), p.452.
  • Mangal, S., Mathew, S., Murthy, B.S., Nagaraja, S., Dinesh, K. and Ramesh, P., 2018. Cone-beam computed tomographic evaluation of remaining dentin thickness in bifurcated roots of maxillary first premolars after rotary instrumentation and post space preparation: An in vitro study. Journal of Conservative Dentistry: JCD, 21(1), p.63.
  • Gupta, T., Nagaraja, S., Mathew, S., Narayana, I.H., Madhu, K.S. and Dinesh, K., 2017. Effect of desensitization using bioactive glass, hydroxyapatite, and diode laser on the shear bond strength of resin composites measured at different time intervals: An In vitro Study. Contemporary clinical dentistry, 8(2), p.244.
  • Hegde, S., Sowmya, B., Mathew, S., Bhandi, S.H., Nagaraja, S. and Dinesh, K., 2017. Clinical evaluation of mineral trioxide aggregate and biodentine as direct pulp capping agents in carious teeth. Journal of conservative dentistry: JCD, 20(2), p.91.
  • Nagaraja, S., Murthy, S. and Mathew, S., 2013. "TAURODONTISM" AN ENDODONTIC ENIGMA: A CASE REPORT. Oral and Dental Journal, 33(3)
  • Remya, C., Indiresha, H.N., George, J.V. and Dinesh, K., 2015. Vertical root fractures: A review. Int J Contemp Dent Med Rev, 2015.


  • 1 Applied

Admission 2025


University House, New BEL Road, MSR Nagar, Bengaluru - 560054