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The student phase is pivotal and transformative in an individual's path, characterised by academic learning, personal growth, and the acquisition of diverse skills.

Its significance transcends the confines of the classroom, encompassing various facets that actively contribute to overall development and future readiness. Nestled within the expansive Gnanagangothri Campus, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (RUAS) provides students a comprehensive environment to thrive and unfold their potential.

With the privilege of utilising the University's state-of-the-art research centres and laboratories, and through the active participation of accomplished experts and faculty members, the Techno Centre seamlessly operates as a multifaceted entity—a dynamic consultancy, a nurturing business incubator, and an innovative hub for product design and development.

From captivating guest lectures, enriching workshops and vibrant sports and cultural events to engaging intra- and inter-college fests and national-level conferences, the University is constantly buzzing with many ideas and activities waiting to be realised.

Admission 2024


New BEL Road, MSR Nagar , Bangalore - 560054