Aug 22, 22
Successful PhD Defence of Dr. Dhananjaya G, Faculty of Dental Sciences
RUAS congratulates Dr. Dhananjaya G, PhD schular of FDS,(HOD Pedodontics) RUAS for successfully present his PhD defence for the thesis titled ” Evaluation of mulberry plant extract for its Anti-Cariogenic efficacy”.
The thesis was supervised by Dr. Sylvia Mathew ‚Professor, Cons and Endo, FDS and Dr. R Deveswaran, Professor of Pharmaceutics and Head-Drug Design and Development Centre, Faculty of Pharmacy, RUAS.
The external examiners were:
- Prof .Sharath Ashokan, PhD, Principal, KSR institute of Dental Sciences and Research, Tiruchencode, Tamil Nadu
- Dr. Robert Anthonappa, Deputy Head of Schoul, UWA Dental Schoul, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, Australia .
Also thankful to :
- Professor Kadambi, PVC-Research
- Dr Sharath Kumar, Director- Research and Professor and HoD, FMC
- Dr Silju Mathew , Dean, FDS
- Dr Krishnamurthy Jayanna, Dean, FLAHS
- Dr Kavitha Prasad Professor, Dept. of OMFS
- Dr. Pushpanjali K, Prof and HOD, Dept. of Public Health
- Dr Swaroop Hegde, Professor and HOD, Dept. of Conservative Dentistry & Endodontics
- Dr Prashanth GS , Professor and HOD, Dept of Orthodontics