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Sep 15, 22

RUAS Partner with Google Developers Students Club (GDSC)

RUAS has been selected to partner with Google Developers Student Club (GDSC) and start a new chapter. Dr. Pushphavathi T P — Head and staff in the CSE Department for motivating the students to take the initiative for the collaboration.

Shashidhar Y Bhat, 3rd Year CSE student has been selected as a Google Developer Student Club Lead.

What is GDSC ? A community of tech enthusiasts collaborating and working together to work on different ideas and build products and alongside, organize events, workshops and hackathons.

Google Developers Student Club-RUAS will be a part of Cynergy Coding Club and continue to spread the knowledge on coding and its aspects among the students.

Admission 2024


New BEL Road, MSR Nagar , Bangalore - 560054