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Nov 30, 23

Grant of THREE Indian Patents to RUAS

Award of FOUR patents from the Indian Patent Office. Kindly join me in congratulating the patent awardees.
  • 1. A patent has been granted to Dr. R.Chetan, Dr. Sanket Dessai and Dr. N D Gangadhar from M. S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies for their invention titled METHOD, SYSTEM AND APPARATUS FOR MULTI-MODULATED MIMO” (Patent No: 468422 on 13/11/2023)
  • 2. A patent has been granted to Dr. N Sampath Kumar, Dr. Sanket Dessai and Dr. N D Gangadhar from M. S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies for their invention titled METHOD, SYSTEM AND APPARATUS FOR MIMO-DBS TRANSCEIVER” (Patent No: 468451 on 13/11/2023)
  • 3. A patent has been granted to Dr. Rajanikanth B.R. and Dr.Kavitha Prasad from Faculty of Dental Sciences for their invention titled THREE-DIMENSIONAL HYBRID BIORESORBABLE SCAFFOLD FOR BONE TISSUE ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS” (Patent No: 468456 on 13/11/2023)
  • 4. A patent has been granted to Dr. P. Chandramohan and Dr. M. Monica from M. S. Ramaiah School of Advanced Studies for their invention titled METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR 8T CELL SRAM MEMORY USING FINFET (Patent No: 469545 on 16/11/2023)

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