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Jan 19, 21

Award of Indian Design Patent - FDS and Techno Center


RUAS congratulates Dr. Shruthi N.; Dr. Shwetha V. from FDS and Mr. Dakshath P. Jembige from Techno Center for obtaining a Design Patent entitled ​“A Cement Dispenser for Dental Application Dispensing the Powder and Liquid Components in Exact Ratios” .

RUAS congratulates Dr. Shruthi N.; Dr. Shwetha V. from FDS and Mr. Dakshath P. Jembige from Techno Center for obtaining a Design Patent entitled ​“A Cement Dispenser for Dental Application Dispensing the Powder and Liquid Components in Exact Ratios” .

Admission 2024


New BEL Road, MSR Nagar , Bangalore - 560054