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Ms. Sushma B S
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Management and Commerce
Department of Management Studies
Ms Sushma B S is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Management Studies under the Faculty of Management and Commerce, RUAS since 2017. She was Editor-in-Hospitium (in-house) magazine in 2022. She is a life member in the Operational Research Society of India. She has 06 years of teaching and research experience.
She is currently pursuing a PhD degree in Personal Finance at RUAS and she is keen to extend my research activities on financial literacy, microfinance, insurance and women’s empowerment. She has presented a few research papers at national and international seminars and conferences.
She is a Commerce graduate in Auditing and Accounting from Presidency College, Bangalore and also hold a Master’s degree in Business Administration in finance from Ramaiah University of Applied Science, Bangalore.
- (Ph.D with Specialization)
Ramaiah University of Applied Science (Personal Finance), Pursuing
- (PG with Specialization)
Ramaiah University of Applied Science, 2016
- (UG with Specialization)
Presidency College, 2014
Total Years of Experience6 Years 1 Month
Academic Experience
- Ramaiah University of Applied Science and 06.1 Experience
Training Experience
- International Financial Reporting Standards – RUAS, Bangalore
- B.Voc - Culinary Operations – FHMCT, RUAS
- Financial literacy, Microfinance, Insurance, Banking and women’s empowerment
National Conference Papers
- DP, C. and Sushma, B.S., 2020. A Study on Women Work-Life Balance with Reference to Three Dimensions: Personal Life, Work Life-Educationist (Faculties) and Work Life-Research in Bangalore Colleges.
International Conference Papers
- Sushma, B.S., 2016, July. Performance Analysis of Mutual Funds–A Comparative Study on Equity Diversified Mutual Fund. In International Conference on Advances in Collaborative Research for Economics, Management, Humanities, Social Sciences and Computer technology@ Universty of Mysore during.
National Journal Papers
- Ansari, Jamgade and B S, 2020. Women Entrepreneurship through Microfinance Institution in India. Ramaiah University of Applied Science, Bangalore, p.12
- Sushma, 2020. Impact of artificial intelligence in the hospitality industry. Hospitum Magazine, Ramaiah University of Applied Science, Bangalore.
- Life member of the Operational Research Society of India (ORSI), Bangalore