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Dr. Suresh N
Faculty of Management and Commerce
Department of Management Studies
Fellow of Institute of Engineers and researcher in Quantitative Finance, Corporate Finance, and Operations Management. Currently working as Professor at M.S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences and Experienced with a demonstrated history of working in higher education. Skilled in Analytical Skills, Operations Management, Lecturing, Event Management, and Team Building. Strong education professional with a Ph.D focused on Management (Finance) from Bangalore University.
- Ph.D in Management
Bangalore University, 2010
- M.B.A in Financial Management
Bangalore University, 2000
- M.E. in Production Management
Karnataka University, 1991
- B.E. in Industrial and Production Engineering
Karnataka University, 1989
Total Years of Experience31 Years 5 Months
Academic Experience
- Working as a Professor and Head, Department of Finance, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore (March 2018 – till date)
- Worked as a Professor and Dean, Faculty of Management and commerce, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bangalore (August 2015 – Sept 2017)
- Worked as a Professor and Director in Dayananda Sagar College of Management and Information Technology, Bangalore (March 2013-July 2014)
- Worked as a Professor and Director in Don Bosco Group of institutions, Bangalore (Feb 2008 - Feb 2013).
- Worked as a Professor and HOD-IEM in MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore (March 2003 to Jan 2008).
- Worked as an Asst. Professor and HOD-IEM in HMS Institute of Technology, Tumkur (Jan 2000 to March 2003)
- Worked as Lecturer in Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Tumkur (Oct 1992 to Dec 1999)
- Worked as Lecturer in Rural Engineering College, Hulkoti (Oct 1989 to Dec 1992)
Industry Experience
- Guided more than 50 UG Project as a consultant
Training Experience
- 30 Years +
- Operations Management, Quantitative Methods, Inventory Management, Materials Management, Engineering Economics
- Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Personal Finance, Corporate Finance, Treasury Management
- Corporate Finance, Investment Management, Portfolio Management, Financial Risk Management
- Suresh, N., & Anil Kumar, S., (2009). Operations Management. New Delhi: New Age International publication, ISBN (13): 978-81-224-2883-4
- Suresh, N., & Anil Kumar, S., (2008). Production and Operations Management. New Delhi: New Age International publication, ISBN (13): 978-81-224-2177-4
- Annual Exemplary Teacher Award on occasion of Teacher’s Day – Sept 2022
International Conference Papers
- Suresh, N., Manohar. G., & Meghna, S., (2018, 3-4th February), Does All Macro-economic factors contribute equally for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflow in India? - An Empirical Study on Macro-variables. Eighth International Conference on Advances in Economic, Management and Social Study at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Suresh N., & M, Keerthi Kumar, (2017, 20-22, December), Impact of Macroeconomic Variables on Exchange Rate Volatility in India. 7th India Finance Conference 2017, at Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore.
- Suresh N., & V V, Vishnu, (2016, 25-26th June), Fundamental Analysis of Securities – A Study with Reference to Financial Services Sector in Indian Stock Market. International Conference on Advances in Collaborative Research for Economics, Management, Humanities, Social Sciences and Computer technology at University of Mysore.
- Suresh N., & Sushma B S, (2016, 25-26th June), Performance Analysis of Mutual Funds – A Comparative Study on Equity Diversified Mutual Fund. International Conference on Advances in Collaborative Research for Economics, Management, Humanities, Social Sciences and Computer technology at University of Mysore.
- Suresh N., & Shine Raj S, (2016, 25-26th June), Performance Evaluation of Mid Cap Stocks against NSE Mid-Cap 50 Index. International Conference on Advances in Collaborative Research for Economics, Management, Humanities, Social Sciences and Computer technology at University of Mysore.
- Suresh N., & Gautham H C, (2016, 25-26th June), Performance Evaluation of Selected Mid-Cap Funds in India International Conference on Advances in Collaborative Research for Economics, Management, Humanities, Social Sciences and Computer technology at University of Mysore.
- Suresh N., & DP, Chandrakala. (2016, 25-26th June), An Empirical Analysis on Risk Perception towards Mutual Funds – a Study on Women Investors in Bengaluru with Reference to Share Khan. International Conference on Advances in Collaborative Research for Economics, Management, Humanities, Social Sciences and Computer technology, at University of Mysore.
National Journal Papers
- Suresh, N., & Jagannathan, U. K., (2015). A Study on Determinants of Short-Term Return on Stocks in the S&P500. Journal of Management & Commerce, 2(2), PP. 23-28
- Suresh, N., & Bharathi, N. R. (2015) Route Scheduling of Air India Flights between Mumbai and Delhi, Journal of Management & Commerce, 2(1), PP. 27-30.
- Suresh, N., & Sundar, R. (2015) Parameters Considered by Consumers Shopping and Issues at Adidas Online Store: A Case Study, Journal of Management & Commerce, 2(2), PP. 21-22.
- Suresh, N., & Shruthi B.C., (2014). Indian Derivatives Market Future Prospects, Dayananda Sagar International Journal, PP 64-78, 1(2), ISSN: 2347-1603.
- Suresh, N., & Bharathi N.R., (2014). Rural Healthcare Management, Dayananda Sagar International Journal, PP 50-57, 1(2), ISSN: 2347-1603.
- Suresh, N., Anil Kumar, S, & Janardhanam, K., (2012). The effects of volatility of interest rates on stock returns: a study on Indian stock market. Suresh, N (Ed.) India Inc-Innovative Management Strategies. New Delhi: Excel India Publishers, pp. 392-396, ISBN : 978-93-81361-67-2
- Suresh, N., Anil Kumar, S, & Ramachandra Gowda M., (2012). The Effect of Changes in Portfolio of Credit Advances on NPAs-An Empirical Study on Nationalized Banks. Suresh, N (Ed.) India Inc-Innovative Management Strategies. New Delhi: Excel India Publishers, pp 518-524, ISBN: 978-93-81361-67-2.
- Suresh, N., Anil Kumar, S., & Gowda, D., M., (2011). Management of Credit Risk in Scheduled Commercial Banks. Suresh, N (Ed.) India Inc-Challenges and Opportunities. New Delhi: Excel India Publishers, PP 319-324, ISBN: 978-93-80697-43-7.
International Journal Papers
- Suresh, N & Jesson Kenneth D’ melon. (2019). Impact of Layoff on Profitability of Selected Service Sector Industries in India. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 14: 5022-5029.
- Suresh, N, S. Meghna, and J.C. Usha (2019). Study on Impact of Dividend Policy on Initial Public Offering Price Performance. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 14: 4501-4507.
- Suresh, N & Maka, B. (2019). Development of a Quantitative Model to Integrate the Network KPIs and Commercial KPIs to Evaluate the Financial Performance of MTN Ghana. International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 14(6), 1334-1339.
- Suresh. N. and Amogha S. (2019). An Empirical Study of Financial Ratios Affecting Stock Returns in the Indian Stock Market. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 14: 975-980.
- Suresh, N. and N.R. Bharathi, (2018). Effect of Demonetisation of on Indian High Denomination Currencies on Indian Stock Market and its Relationship with Foreign Exchange Rate. International Business Management, 12: 205-211.
- Suresh, N., & Maka, Bismack. (2018). Review of Financial Performance analysis of Corporate Organizations. Asian Journal of Management. 9(1). PP.500-506.
- Suresh, N., Manohar. G., & Meghna, S., (2018). Does All Macro-economic factors contribute equally for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflow in India? - An Empirical Study on Macro-variables. Proceedings of Eighth International Conference on Advances in Economic, Management and Social Study. Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, USA, at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. ISBN.978-1-63248-146-7, PP.10-16.
- Suresh, N., & Manasa, N. (2018). A Study on Impact of BANKNIFTY Derivatives Trading on Spot Market Volatility in India. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal .22(1). PP.1-9.
- Suresh. N. and P.P. Prajwal (2017). Outward Foreign Direct Investment from India: Analysis on the Impact of Various Macroeconomic Variables on Outward FDI. Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, 12: 8891-8896.
- Suresh, N., & Jagannathan, U. K., (2017). The Nature and Determinants of Capital Structure in Indian Service Firms. Indian Journal of Finance, 11(11), PP.30-43.
- Institution of Engineers – Fellow of Institute of Engineers
- Indian Society for Technical Education- Life Member
- Operational Research Society of India- Sr. Member
- All India Management Association – Member