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Mr. Rajeev Prasad

Mr. Rajeev Prasad

Assistant Professor

  • School/College

    Faculty of Management and Commerce

  • Department

    Department of Management Studies

Rajeev Prasad P, born in a small town in Chickballapur called Bagepalli and brought up in Bangalore from PU. Very enthusiastic and active in curricular and extra-curricular activities from childhood. Very energetic, enthusiastic and keen interests in organizing events. Currently working as an Assistant professor at Faculty of Management and commerce, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Bengaluru. As a student, actively participated in many cultural and academic events and won various prizes in university and Bengaluru level. Also, actively been part of many curricular and co-curricular events as organiser. 5+ years of experience in Teaching and has published 2 papers in national level journals. Faculty coordinator for many events like, Cultural activities, NAAC Criterion 3, TEDxRUAS, Conferences, National Management Day, University level Clubs and events and etc., Efficiently and effectively works with UG and PG students for Projects & Thesis and mentors good number of students for the same every year. Keenly mentors students to participate in various event and also to overcome their fear and insecurities related to academics and extracurricular activities. Motivates students to actively participate in curricular and extra-curricular activities within the university as well as other universities/ institutes. Have lead a team to secure 2nd prize in a Business Plan competition hosted by IIM Kozhikode in 2018. Continuously from the year 2018, have been invited by MCC PU College and Degree College for Judging HR, Marketing and Strategy related events every year.


  • Ph.D in HRM (Specially Abled People)

    Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Pursuing

  • M.B.A in Human Resource Management

    Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, 2017

  • B.E. in Electronics and Communication

    Ramaiah Institute of Technology, 2012


Total Years of Experience

6 Years 6 Months

Academic Experience
  1. RUAS, 5 Years 6 Months
Industry Experience
  1. Prasad Enterprises, 1 Year and 1 Month
Training Experience
  1. MOOC course on HR Policies and Organisation Structure
  2. MOOC course on Human Resource Analytics
  3. Workshop on Entrepreneurship
  4. FDP on Strategy, Teaching Pedagogy, Innovation, HR Practices

  • In the field of HRM (Recruitment, Performance Appraisal, Change Managememnt, Training and Development, HR analytics, Retention, etc.,), Strategy, Entrepreneurship.
  • My Ph.D research interest is on Specially abled people, their inclusivity in universities and employability

  • Secured 1st place in MBA in HRM from Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
  • Secured 2nd place in a seminar on Embedded systems conducted by Prof. K. Manikantan in BE
  • Secured 3rd place for “Best Manager” event in Surana college Fest 2015
  • Secured 4th place in an Marketing Exhibition 2K17 conducted by M P Birla
  • Secured 1st place in Drama Competition in PUC, National College, Jayanagar
  • Secured 2nd place for Mad ads in cultural fest “AKAIRA 2017”
  • Secured 3rd place for directing a short film, “Aarop”

National Journal Papers
  • Prasad, R., Niranjan, D.R., Rajesh, K.V. and Geetanjali, P., 2017. Impact of Central Government Initiatives on Water Supply and Sanitation in Peddhathunkepalli and Parashurampalli Villages of Chickballapur District.
  • Vinaya, T.P., Prasad, R. and SV, M., A Study on Improving the Contribution of Stakeholders towards Innovation in the Educational Institutions.

Admission 2025


University House, New BEL Road, MSR Nagar, Bengaluru - 560054