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Dr. Padmavathi Koride
Faculty of Management and Commerce
Department of Management Studies
Padmavathi Koride is a Professor in the Department of Management Studies, Faculty of Management and Commerce, Ramaiah University of Applied Science. She obtained his doctorate from the Indian Institute of Science Bangalore. Her areas of research include microcredit and rural borrower behavior, gender, sustainability and platform business models.
- Ph.D. (Management)
Indian Institute of Science Bangalore, 2017
Institute of Rural Management Anand, IRMA, 1999
- B. Tech
Osmania University, 1993
Total Years of Experience- 12 Years
Academic Experience
- 5 Years
Industry Experience
- 7 Years
- Microcredit and rural borrower behavior
- Gender and microcredit
- Platform business models
- Sustainable businesses
- Platform Business Models By Prof. R.Srinivasan: Faircent™: Powering P2P Lending Revolution
National Conference Papers
- Presented at the SMF (Strategic Mangement Forum) conference to be held at IIM Tituchapalli on December 18,2023, a paepr titled ‘The link between collateralization, lender type and instalment finance strategies of individual, rural borrowers’.
- Presented a paper in the XVII Conference on CPP at IIMB, August 2022, ‘Formal banks, semi-formal SHGs or informal moneylenders, who is better? A study in India’
- Presented a case study in COGNOSCO, a conference on case studies, organized by CHRIST (deemed to be university), February,2023, ‘Value Ingredients Private Limited: A three-pillar model for a triple bottom line’
- Participated in the First National conference on Analytics for Decision Making, Organized by CHRIST (deemed to be university), in October 2021, ‘Microcredit Impact on Economic Freedom of Women: Evidence from Spending Autonomy in Self-Help Groups in South India’
- Participated in the International conference on sustainable businesses held at ISME, Bangalore on 28th February, 2020- presented a paper titled ‘How do gender and investment income affect credit management among small businesspersons? Evidence from rural erstwhile Andhra Pradesh’ (Koride, 2020)’.
- Presented at the International Conference on Advances in English & Women Empowerment conducted by KL University, titled ‘Gender and micro-finance: Defining characteristics of women and borrowing’.
International Conference Papers
- Presented a paper to ASA (American Sociological Association) conference, held on 21st August, 2023, Philadelphia, USA, ‘Microfinance Self-help groups and women’s spending autonomy’
- Participated in ASA (American Sociological Association) conference, held online on 9th August, 2020, ‘To pay or not to pay: Role of borrower debt management and attitude to debt in defaults (Sanyal and Koride, 2020)’.
- Participated in 15th International Academic Conference conducted by International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (IISES), between 14th and 16th April, in Rome, where I presented on ‘Strategic links between borrowing behaviour and purpose of credit: Evidence from India’.
National Journal Papers
- Koride, P., & Ganesh, L. (2024). Formal banks, semi-formal SHGs or informal moneylenders, who is better? a study of borrower credit preference in India. Current Science (00113891), 127(2).
- Koride, P. (2022). Micro Borrowing an Amalgam of Structure and Strategy: Evidence from India. Studies in Microeconomics, 23210222221115315.
- Koride, P., & Gurtoo, A. (2019). A comparison of borrowing and default behaviour between men and women. Studies in Microeconomics, 7(2), 189-209.
- Koride, P. (2020). How do Gender and Investment Income Affect Credit Management Among Small Business Persons? Evidence from Rural Erstwhile Andhra Pradesh. Shanlax International Journal of Management, 7(S1), 236-49.
- Koride, P., & Gurtoo, A. (2019). Individual borrowing and default behaviour in surplus and constrained credit environments. Current Science, 117(2), 227-234.
- Member of IISC Alumni Association