Faculty & Staff

Mr. Ajay R
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Management and Commerce
Department of Commerce
Around 5 years of experience in Banking industry worked in different segment like Audit Certificate, Assets finance, Syndicate loan processing and International Payment and Finance industry like Accounts payable along with 5 years of Teaching, experience.
- B.B.M (Accounting and Finance)
Sir. M.V College. Bhadravathi, 2009
- M.Com (Accounting and Taxation)
Kuvempu University, 2011
- Ph.D in Finance (Pursuing)
RUAS, 2020-Till date
Total Years of Experience11 years
Academic Experience
4 years 9 months
Industry Experience:
6 years 8 months
- Finance
- Accounting
- Taxation
- Banking
International Conference Papers
- Vishwanath Kumar H M, Ajay R, Praphul Kumar K,C. (2022) A Study on Hydroponic Farming in Indian Agriculture’ (2022)
ICI Indexed and UGC listed
- Lakshmi, Y., Ajay, R. and Jagannathan, U.K. (2020) ‘RESEARCH ARTICLE A Study on Portfolio Insurance Strategies on Indian Equity ( Nifty 50 )’, Asian Journal of Management, 11(02), pp. 154–160. doi:10.5958/2321-5763.2020.00024.4
- Nandini, N.S. and Ajay, R. (2021) ‘RESEARCH ARTICLE A Study on impact of Forensic Audit towards Investigation and Prevention of Frauds’, Asian Journal of Management, 12(2), pp. 1–7
- Divyashree, C. and Ajay, R. (2021) ‘REVIEW ARTICLE A Study on Tax Audit under GST ( Goods and Services Tax ) ABSTRACT ’:, Asian Journal of Management, 12(2), pp. 1–4
- Shetty, S. and Ajay, R. (2019) ‘A STUDY ON ROLE OF FINANCIAL INCLUSIONS ON RURAL BANKS : WITH’, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 6(6), pp. 892–900
National Journal Papers
SCOPUS Indexed
- Vinutha P., A.R. (2020) ‘A Study on Green Tax in India – It’s Effectiveness and Challenges’, Journal Of Saybold Report, 15(7), pp. 1798–1810
- Sharma, P. and Ajay, R. (2020) ‘A Study on taxpayers ’ Perception towards e -filing of Income tax and Investigating the Relationship between Privacy and Security Perception’, Journal Of Saybold Report, 15(8), pp. 755–766
- Indian Commerce Association