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Mr. Ajay R

Assistant Professor

  • School/College

    Faculty of Management and Commerce

  • Department

    Department of Commerce

Around 5 years of experience in Banking industry worked in different segment like Audit Certificate, Assets finance, Syndicate loan processing and International Payment and Finance industry like Accounts payable along with 5 years of Teaching, experience.


  • B.B.M (Accounting and Finance)

    Sir. M.V College. Bhadravathi, 2009

  • M.Com (Accounting and Taxation)

    Kuvempu University, 2011

  • Ph.D in Finance (Pursuing)

    RUAS, 2020-Till date


Total Years of Experience

11 years

Academic Experience

4 years 9 months

Industry Experience:

6 years 8 months

  1. Finance
  2. Accounting
  3. Taxation
  4. Banking

International Conference Papers
  1. Vishwanath Kumar H M, Ajay R, Praphul Kumar K,C. (2022) A Study on Hydroponic Farming in Indian Agriculture’ (2022)
ICI Indexed and UGC listed
  1. Lakshmi, Y., Ajay, R. and Jagannathan, U.K. (2020) ‘RESEARCH ARTICLE A Study on Portfolio Insurance Strategies on Indian Equity ( Nifty 50 )’, Asian Journal of Management, 11(02), pp. 154–160. doi:10.5958/2321-5763.2020.00024.4
  2. Nandini, N.S. and Ajay, R. (2021) ‘RESEARCH ARTICLE A Study on impact of Forensic Audit towards Investigation and Prevention of Frauds’, Asian Journal of Management, 12(2), pp. 1–7
  3. Divyashree, C. and Ajay, R. (2021) ‘REVIEW ARTICLE A Study on Tax Audit under GST ( Goods and Services Tax ) ABSTRACT ’:, Asian Journal of Management, 12(2), pp. 1–4
  4. Shetty, S. and Ajay, R. (2019) ‘A STUDY ON ROLE OF FINANCIAL INCLUSIONS ON RURAL BANKS : WITH’, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 6(6), pp. 892–900
National Journal Papers

SCOPUS Indexed

  1. Vinutha P., A.R. (2020) ‘A Study on Green Tax in India – It’s Effectiveness and Challenges’, Journal Of Saybold Report, 15(7), pp. 1798–1810
  2. Sharma, P. and Ajay, R. (2020) ‘A Study on taxpayers ’ Perception towards e -filing of Income tax and Investigating the Relationship between Privacy and Security Perception’, Journal Of Saybold Report, 15(8), pp. 755–766

  1. Indian Commerce Association

Admission 2025


University House, New BEL Road, MSR Nagar, Bengaluru - 560054