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  • Faculty

    Faculty of Dental Sciences

  • Department

    Department of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery

  • Campus

    Gnanagangothri Campus

  • Engagement Mode

    Full Time


Master of Dental Surgery in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

Master’s degree programme in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is a 3 year programme that includes surgical management of various types of diseases and deformities occurring in the mouth, jaws, head and neck region. The scope of this specialty is extensive and includes the surgical removal of unsalvageable and impacted teeth, Pre-prosthetic surgery and implants, Management of Maxillofacial space infections, Maxillofacial pathology, Maxillofacial trauma, Management of orofacial pain, Oral cancer, Aesthetic facial problems, Temporomandibular Joint disorders, Cleft Lip and Palate etc.

The program offered by the Department covers the gamut of surgical interventions starting from standard tooth removals to treatment of deformities, abnormalities, trauma, and cancer. This often includes surgical reconstruction, correction and placement of implants. Students are also taught to treat dental and facial pain, trauma and nerve disorders. A multidisciplinary team approach towards the management of these problems in coordination with other dental and allied specialties such as Anaesthesia, Neurosurgery, General Surgery, Otolaryngology, Plastic surgery, Ophthalmology, Medical and Radiation oncology is followed and the same team approach is inculcated in them through the training programme.


Programme Educational Objectives

  • Provide students with a strong foundation in basic and applied medical and dental sciences to address oral health issues to enable them to devise and deliver efficient solutions to challenging surgical problems pertaining to oral and maxillofacial region.
  • Impart analytic and cognitive skills required to develop innovative solutions for R&D, Industry, and societal requirements as related to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
  • Provide sound theoretical and practical knowledge of oral health sciences, managerial and entrepreneurial skills to enable students to contribute to the well-being and welfare of the society.
  • Inculcate strong human values and social, interpersonal and leadership skills required for professional success in evolving global professional environments.
Master’s degree programme in Oral medicine and radiology
Training in Oral Medicine and Diagnosis

Curriculum Details

Sl.No. Code Course Title Theory (h/W/S) Tutorials (h/W/S) Practical (h/W/S) Total Credits Max. Marks
1 OMC501A Preclinical and Clinical Phase Basics 16 0 32 48 400
2 MF501A Clinical photography* - - 1 1 20
3 MF502A Basic and advanced life support* - - 1 1 20
4 MF503A Personality Development and Soft Skills* - - 1 1 20
5 MF504A Law for Dental Professionals*   - - 1 1 20
6 MR501A Research Methodology 1 - 1 2 40
7 MR504A Dissertation 2 2 -
8 Part I - Programme End Examination  100
Total 17 2 37 56 520
Total number of contact hours per week 36 

Sl.No. Code Course Title Theory (h/W/S) Tutorials (h/W/S) Practical (h/W/S) Total Credits Max. Marks
1 OMC502A Clinical Phase Intermediate  16 0 32 48 400
2 MR502A Short term project/Group project 1 - 5 6 100
3 MR503A Library Dissertation 1 3 - 4 60
4 MR504A Dissertation 2 - 8 10
5 MR505A Conference presentation - 1 1 20
6 MF505A Teacher Training Module - 1 1 20
7 MG501A Training in any other institution in India or Abroad 1 - 2 3 60
Total 21 4 48 73 660
Total number of contact hours per week 36 

Sl.No. Code Course Title Theory (h/W/S) Tutorials (h/W/S) Practical (h/W/S) Total Credits Max. Marks
1 OMC503A Clinical Phase Advanced  8 0 32 24 400
2 MR504A Dissertation 4 - 2 6 200
3 MR506A Journal Publication 1 - - 1 20
4 Part II - Programme End Examination 20 600
Total 13 0 34 51 1320
Total number of contact hours per week 32 

Eligibility Criteria

MDS in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery - Lab

A candidate seeking admission to a postgraduate programme must have passed BDS or an equivalent examination, approved by DCI in the appropriate discipline and secured at least 50% marks in the aggregate or equivalent CGPA.

A candidate for admission to the MDS programme (Master of Dental Surgery) must have a recognised degree of BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) awarded by an Indian University, in respect of recognised Dental College under Section 10(2) of the Dentists Act, 1948 or an equivalent qualification recognized by the Dental Council of India. He/she should have obtained permanent registration with the State Dental Council. Candidates not possessing a recognised Dental qualification for the above purpose should secure the prior approval of his/her qualifications by the Dental Council of India before he/she can be admitted to the MDS Programme.

Provided that in the case of a foreign national, the Dental Council of India may, on payment of the prescribed fee for registration, grant temporary registration for the duration of the postgraduate training restricted to the dental college/institution to which he/she is admitted for the time being exclusively for postgraduate studies; provided that further temporary registration to such a foreign national shall be subject to the condition that such a person is duly registered as a dental practitioner in his/her own country from which he/she has obtained his/her basic dental qualification and that his degree is recognised by the corresponding dental council or concerned authority.

The candidate belonging to SC/ST category will get a relaxation in the qualifying marks as per the government notification.

Selection of students for admission to the Programme will based on the counselling conducted by Government of Karnataka through KEA or through any other selection process approved by the Board of Management from time to time based on NEET scores. (With Reference to Dental Council of India MDS Regulations 2017).

Selected candidates shall complete all the admission formalities within the prescribed date including payment of prescribed fees notified by the University. Failure to do so may lead to cancellation of the selection.

Details of the fees payable for each Programme will be notified well in advance before the commencement of the programme. The fees, once paid, will not be refunded under any circumstances. The continuation of a student’s registration in subsequent academic years is subject to payment of the prescribed programme and registration fees for each of those years.


Course Fee
MDS Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery 14,75,000 Per Annum


Normal duration of the programme

The normal duration of the MDS programme is three years.

Maximum duration of the programme

The maximum period a student is allowed to complete the MDS Programme shall be double the normal duration of the programme, i.e., six years.


At FDS, Dental Council of India has approved an intake of 6 postgraduate seats.

Career Path

Private Practitioner
Hospital-Based Practice
Global Health/Humanitarian Worker


Start your journey with MSRUAS


Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences Heritage Building, Gnana Gangothri Campus New BEL Road, MSR Nagar, Bengaluru-58

Admission 2024


New BEL Road, MSR Nagar , Bangalore - 560054