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  • Faculty

    Faculty of Life and Allied Health Sciences

  • Department

    Department of Biotechnology

  • Campus

    Gnanagangothri Campus

  • Engagement Mode

    Full Time

  • Study

    4 year


The biotechnology industry is rapidly growing, opening doors to a wide range of career opportunities. According to, the employment of biological technicians is anticipated to grow 10% between 2016 and 2026, which is faster than the average for all occupations. The constantly rising demand for biological and medical research is the key driver of this growth.

The BSc Hons Biotechnology is a rigorous and specialised undergraduate programme that delves into the intricacies of biological systems, molecular processes, and the application of technology to harness and manipulate living organisms. The course stands at the intersection of biology and technology, providing a foundation for individuals passionate about making a positive impact through the innovative and ethical use of biotechnological solutions.

The BSc Hons Biotechnology syllabus includes topics such as molecular biology, genetic engineering, bioinformatics, and bioprocessing. Under this course, students engage in hands-on laboratory work, gaining practical skills in techniques such as DNA manipulation, protein analysis, and cell culture. The BSc Hons Biotechnology subjects aim to equip graduates with a deep understanding of the principles and applications of biotechnology, preparing them for roles in research, pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and other industries.


Curriculum Details

S. No. Code Course Title Theory (h/W/S) Tutorials (h/W/S) Practical (h/W/S) Total Credits Max. Marks
Macromolecular structure and analysis 3 4 5 150
Biophysical Techniques and Instrumentation 3 4 5 150
3 BTC103A Biomathematics and MATLAB 2 1 3 150
4 BTO101A Fundamentals in Biology 3 3 150
5 TSM101A English for Communication 1 3 3 150


Digital Fluency



Total 15 1 10 21 900
Total number of contact hours per week 26

S. No. Code Course Title Theory (h/W/S) Tutorials (h/W/S) Practical (h/W/S) Total Credits Max. Marks
1 BTC104A General Chemistry 1 3 4 5 150
2 BTC105A Principles of Microbiology 3 4 5 150
Organic Mechanisms in Biology 3 3 150
4 BTO102A Biotechnology for Human Welfare 3 3 150
5 BTN101A Environmental Studies 2 2 150
Health and Wellness/ Social and Emotional learning 1 2 2 150
Total 15 10 20 900
Total number of contact hours per week 25

S. No. Code Course Title Theory (h/W/S) Tutorials (h/W/S) Practical (h/W/S) Total Credits Max. Marks
1 BTC201A General Chemistry 2 3 4 5 150
2 BTC202A Principles of Genetics 3 4 5 150
3 BTC203A Biostatistics 3 3 150
4 BTO201A Applications of Biotechnology in Agriculture


5 TSM102A English for Communication 2 3 3 150
6 CSM201A AI 1 2 2 150
7 BAU201A Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1 1 2 3 150
Total 17 1 12 24 1050
Total number of contact hours per week 29

S. No. Code Course Title Theory (h/W/S) Tutorials (h/W/S) Practical (h/W/S) Total Credits Max. Marks
1 BTC204A Cell Structure and Signalling 3 4 5 150
2 BTC205A Molecular Biology 3 4 5 150
3 BTC206A Molecular genetics 3 3 150
4 BTO202A Applications of Biotechnology in Medicine 3 3 150
5 LAN101A Constitutionof India andHuman Rights 2 2 150
6 TSU202A Professional Communication 2 2 150
7 TSU101A Ethics and Self- awareness 1 2 2 150
Total 17 10 22 1050
Total number of contact hours per week 27

S. No. Code Course Title Theory (h/W/S) Tutorials (h/W/S) Practical (h/W/S) Total Credits Max. Marks
1 BTC301A Recombinant DNA Technology 3 4 5 150
2 BTC302A Immunology and Immunotechnology 3 4 5 150
3 BTC303A Computer Programming: Python and R 1 2 3 150
4 BTE301A Environmental Biotechnology 3 3 150
5 BTE302A Agricultural Biotechnology 3 3 150
6 BTE303A Medical Biotechnology 3 3 150
7 TSN201A Project Management 3 3 150
8 CSM301A Cyber security 1 2 2 150
9 DSU101A Sports/Yoga/NSS/Cultural 1 2 2 150
Total 15 12 23 1350
Total number of contact hours per week 27

S. No. Code Course Title Theory (h/W/S) Tutorials (h/W/S) Practical (h/W/S) Total Credits Max. Marks
1 BTC304A Animal Biotechnology and Animal tissue Culture 3 5 150
2 BTC305A Plant Biotechnology and Plant tissue Culture 3 5 150
3 BTC306A Biosafety, Bioethics and IPR 3 3 150
4 BTE304A Industrial Biotechnology 3 3 150
5 BTE305A Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 3 3 150
6 TSN302A Personality Development and Soft Skills 2 2 150
7 BTM301A Competitive Exam Training 1 1 2 150
8 BTN302A Seminar 2 2 150
Total 15 2 12 22 1200
Total number of contact hours per week 27

S. No. Code Course Title Theory (h/W/S) Tutorials (h/W/S) Practical (h/W/S) Total Credits Max. Marks
1 BTC401A Bioinformatics 3 4 5 150
2 BTC402A Genomics and Proteomics 3 4 5 150
3 BTC403A Research Methodology 3 3 150
4 BTE401A Stem cells and Regenerative medicine 3 3 150
5 BTE402A Nanobiotechnology 3 3 150
6 BTE403A Green Energy Technologies
7 BTS401A Internship 6 3 150
Total 12 2 14 19 900
Total number of contact hours per week 26

S. No. Code Course Title Theory (h/W/S) Tutorials (h/W/S) Practical (h/W/S) Total Credits Max. Marks
1 BTP401A Research Project 40 21 150
Total 40 150
Total number of contact hours per week 40

Eligibility Criteria

Candidate must have passed a 10+2 examination conducted by the respective state or central government authorities, with English as one of the courses, and Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology as optional courses individually.

Fees & Scholarships

University Seats:

Refer Fee Structure.

Candidates should have the equivalent qualification approved by the Association of Indian Universities.

Should have proof of proficiency in English with a minimum TOEFL score of 8


Get Ready to Transform the Future of Humanity
  • Faculty with PhD degree and Postdoctoral experience from top research institutes from around the globe
  • Expert guest lectures, workshops, industry visits, and group projects
  • Well-equipped labs and advanced facilities for immersive, application-based learning
  • Two hospitals on campus to promote research and in-depth learning
Co-curricular Activities

Students can also earn credits by participating in national, international, interstate and inter collegiate, competitions involving technical presentations, conferences and publications in journals and winning awards. Students who achieve this can be exempted from one of the open elective courses in the program.

Research Project

The main objective of a research project is to give an insight to the students on application of principles of research methodology, preparation of research project proposal, research project management, execution of research project and effective technical communication and presentation. The project may be interdisciplinary. Students are encouraged to innovate and file patents.

  • Industrial application-based learning program.
  • Internship, training, and placement support with various worldwide universities and food industries.
  • Includes expert guest lectures from various institutions and food industries.
  • Includes workshops, industry visits, group projects, discussions, and debates.
  • Ensures small batches to encourage in-depth learning.

  • We offer accommodation in student hostels on our campus and even offer third-party off-campus hotels where necessary to ensure students can focus on what matters the most.
  • Our on-campus facilities include WiFi at any time of the day, 24/7.
  • From a host of eateries and laundry facilities, we ensure that students have access to all facilities.
  • We encourage students to participate in co-curricular activities on campus which include sports and cultural events, both at a university level and a faculty level.
  • We help students focus on independent and sponsored research with projects and a dissertation.


Fee Structure
Course Total Fees for 1st Year NRI fee in USD
Biotechnology (BT) 175000 2000
Study Domains
Core Courses

Includes an overview into the fundamental principles of biology, chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, genetics, cell biology and bioinformatics

Discipline Specific Courses

Special focus into the core domains of emerging technologies in Industrial, Environmental, Agricultural, Medical Biotechnology and Green Energy Technology

Ability Enhancement Courses

Includes communication skills, elements of social science, ethics, environmental studies, constitution human rights and law

Skill Enhancement Courses

Includes computer applications, finance, accounting and audits

Generic Electives

Includes Mathematics, statistics, industrial tours, management and entrepreneurship development

Research Project

Students can work on a research project from across multiple disciplines to earn credits. The purpose of this is to learn how to design and develop a novel biological product, to understand molecular characterisation, validation and commercialise a product, technology or process in their area of specialisation.


Teaching and Assessment

Each course has two components of grading – Component 1, Continuous Evaluation (CE) that involves multiple subcomponents of learning and experiential assessment conducted during the semester at regular intervals for formative assessment; Component 2, Semester-end Examination (SEE) that represents the summative assessment carried out in the form an examination conducted at the end of the semester. Marks obtained CE and SEE components have 60:40 weightage (CE: 60% and SEE: 40%) in determining the final marks obtained by a student in a Course.

Key Skill Development
  • Ability to run fundamental research-based work at the molecular and cellular level.
  • Ability to lead trans-national research and development.
  • Ability to design technologies for molecular kits in Biology.
  • Ability to design technologies for diagnostic tools in healthcare divisions.
  • Ability to develop and synthesise molecules for potential use.
  • Ability to troubleshoot skills to analyse metabolic and molecular pathways.
  • Ability to design and develop bio-sensor based products.
  • Ability to reuse biological and eco-friendly products.
  • Ability to develop innovative and novel ideas to lead as an entrepreneur.

Career Path

Lab Technician
Clinical Research Associate


Start your journey with MSRUAS


Heritage Block, Gnanagangothri Campus, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

Admission 2025


University House, New BEL Road, MSR Nagar, Bengaluru - 560054