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  • Faculty

    Faculty of Dental Sciences

  • Campus

    Gnanagangothri Campus

  • Engagement Mode

    Full Time

  • Study

    Normal Duration


The M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (MSRUAS) will focus on student-centric professional education and motivates its staff and students to contribute significantly to the growth of technology, science, economy and society through their imaginative, creative and innovative pursuits.

The purpose of BDS programme is to create innovative problem solvers in multi-disciplinary settings, entrepreneurs and leaders who apply their knowledge, understanding, cognitive abilities, practical and transferable skills gained through systematic, flexible and rigorous learning in the chosen academic domain.


Program Objectives

  • To disseminate knowledge and skills through instructions, teaching, training, seminars, workshops and symposia in Dental Health and Allied Sciences, to meet the needs of industries, business and society
  • To generate knowledge through research in Dental Sciences to meet the challenges that arise in industry, business and society
  • To promote health, human well-being and provide holistic healthcare
  • To provide technical and scientific solutions to real life problems posed by health care, industry, and society in Dental Sciences
  • To instill the spirit of entrepreneurship in our youth to help create more career opportunities in the society by incubating and nurturing technology product ideas and supporting technology backed business
  • To identify and nurture leadership skills in students and help in the development of our future leaders to enrich the society we live in
  • To develop partnership with universities, industries, businesses, research establishments, NGOs, international organizations, governmental organizations in India and abroad to enrich the experiences of faculties and students through research and developmental programmes

Curriculum Details

Sl. No. Course Area Approximate No. of Credits
Core Courses
1 Basic Medical Science courses 41
2 Basic Dental Science courses 52
3 Clinical Medical Science courses 14
4 Clinical Dental Sciences courses 78
Internship courses
5 Compulsory Rotatory Internship 35
6 Professional Core Electives 8
Research and Elective Courses
7 UG Research Project 8
8 Open Elective 3
Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses
9 Law for Dental Professionals 1
10 Basic Life Support 1
11 Community Orientation Program 5
12 Patient Safety Program 1
13 Practice Observership 3
Total 250

Course Code Course Title Theory Credits Practical / Clinical Credits Total Credits
I Core Course
BDC101A Anatomy 5 5 10
BDC102A Physiology 6 2 8
BDC103A Biochemistry 4 2 6
BDC201A Pathology 4 2 6
BDC202A Microbiology 4 2 6
BDC203A Pharmacology 4 1 5
BDC104A Dental Histology 5 5 10
BDC204A Dental Materials 6 5 11
BDC205A Preclinical Prosthodontics 4 10 14
BDC206A Preclinical Conservative 2 6 8
BDC301A Gen Medicine 4 3 7
BDC302A Gen Surgery 4 3 7
BDC303A Oral Pathology 5 4 9
BDC401A Oral Medicine 4 5 9
BDC402A Pedodontics 4 5 9
BDC403A Public Health Dentistry 4 5 9
BDC404A Orthodontics 4 5 9
BDC405A Oral Surgery 5 5
BDC406A Periodontology 5 5 10
BDC407A Prosthodontics 6 5 11
BDC408A Conservative Dentistry 6 5 11
BDI401A Oral Medicine - 3 3
BDI402A Periodontology - 3 3
BDI403A Pedodontics - 3 3
BDI404A Prosthodontics - 5 5
BDI405A Public Health Dentistry/ Comprehensive Oral Health Care - 4 4
BDI406A Conservative Dentistry - 5 5
BDI407A Orthodontics - 3 3
BDI408A Oral Surgery - 3 3
BDI409A Oral Pathology - 1 1
BDI410A Accident & Emergency - 1 1
BDI411A Rural Posting - 4 4
III Electives
BDE4XXA Professional Core Elective 1 - 4 4
BDE4XXA Professional Core Elective 2 - 4 4
BDL101A Open Elective 3 - 3
IV Research
BDR401A UG Group Project 8
V Ability Enhancement Compulsory Courses
BDF101A Law for Dental Professionals 1
BDF201A Basic Life Support 1
BDF301A Patient Safety Curriculum 1
BDF302A Community Orientation Program 5
BDF401A Practice Observership 3

Eligibility Criteria

The total number of credits required to be earned by a regular student to qualify for the award of the BDS Degree is as described below:

Credit Requirements for BDS Programme
Programme Normal duration Total number of minimum credits to be earned
BDS 5 250

The specified credits include compulsory rotatory internship and students are required to obtain the credits for Compulsory Rotatory Internship of prescribed duration.


Sl. No. Code Course Title Total Credits Max. Marks
1 BDC101A Anatomy - 1 & 2* 10 400
2 BDC102A Physiology - 1 & 2* 8 200
3 BDC103A Biochemistry - 1 & 2* 6 200
4 BDC104A Dental Histology -1 & 2* 10 400
5 BDC204A Dental Materials - 1 & 2 2 --
6 BDC205A Preclinical Prosthodontics - 1 & 2 2 --
7 BDF101A Law for Dental Profession 1 50
Total 39 1250

The following is the detailed Programme Structure for BDS programme.


*Indicates courses that students are supposed to appear for exams

Code Course Title Total Credits Max. Marks
BDC201A Pathology - 1 & 2* 6 200
BDC202A Microbiology - 1 & 2* 6 200
BDC203A Pharmacology - 1 & 2* 5 400
BDC204A Dental Materials - 3 & 4* 9 400
BDC205A Preclin Prosthodontics - 3 & 4* 12 200
BDC206A Pre-clinical Conservative Dentistry 1 & 2 8 200
BDC303A Oral Pathology - 1 & 2 1 --
BDF201A BLS programme 1 50
Total 48 1650

Sl. No. Code Course Title Total Credits Max. Marks
1 BDC301A Gen Medicine - 1 & 2* 7 400
2 BDC302A Gen Surgery - 1 & 2* 7 400

BDC303A Oral Pathology - 3 & 4* 8 400
4 BDC401A Oral Medicine - 1 & 2 3 --
5 BDC402A Pedodontics - 1 & 2 3 --
6 BDC403A Public Health Dent. - 1 & 2 1 --
7 BDC404A Orthodontics - 1 & 2 3 --
8 BDC405A Oral Surgery - 1 & 2 3 --
9 BDC406A Periodontics - 1 & 2 3 --
10 BDC407A Prosthodontics - 1 & 2 3 --
11 BDC408A Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics 1 & 2 3 --
12 BDF301A Patient safety Curriculum 1 50
13 BDF302A Community orientation Program 5 100
14 BDR401A UG Group Project/Research 8 200
Total 58 1550

Sl. No. Code Course Title Total Credits Max. Marks
1 BDC401A Oral Medicine – 3 & 4 6 400
2 BDC402A Pedodontics – 3 & 4 6 400
3 BDC403A Public Health Dentistry – 3 & 4 8 400
4 BDC404A Orthodontics – 3 & 4 6 400
5 BDC405A Oral Surgery– 3 & 4 7 400
6 BDC406A Periodontics – 3 & 4 7 400
7 BDC407A Prosthodontics– 3 & 4 8 400
8 BDC408A Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics 3 & 4 8 400
9 BDF401A Practice Observership 3 100
Total 59 3300

Sl. No. Code Course Title Total Credits Max. Marks
1 BDI401A Oral Medicine 3 100
2 BDI402A Periodontology 3 100
3 BDI403A Pedodontics 3 100
4 BDI404A Prosthodontics 5 100
5 BDI405A Public Health Dentistry incl. Comprehensive Oral Health 4 100
6 BDI406A Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics 5 100
7 BDI407A Orthodontics 3 100
8 BDI408A Oral Surgery 3 100
9 BDI409A Oral Pathology 1 100
10 BDI410A Accident & Emergency 1 100
11 BDI411A Rural Posting 4 100
12 BDE4XXA Professional Core Elective 1 4 100
13 BDE4XXA Professional Core Elective 2 4 100
14 BDL101A Open Elective 3 --
Total 46 --

Sl. No. Code Course Title Total Credits Max. Marks
1 BDE401A Management of Mucosal Lesions 4 100
2 BDE403A
Lasers in Periodontics
4 100
3 BDE405A Hospital Paediatric Dentistry 4 100
4 BDE407A Introduction to Implantology 4 100
5 BDE409A Aesthetic Dentistry 4 100
6 BDE411A
Practice Management
4 100
7 BDE413A Surgical Extraction 4 100
Orthodontics for General practice 4 100
Routine Tissue Processing 4 100

Sl. No. Code Course Title Total Credits Max. Marks
1 BDE402A Basics of CBCT in Implant Dentistry 4 100
2 BDE404A Periodontal Surgery for Clinician 4 100
3 BDE406A Comprehensive Paediatric rehabilitation 4 100
4 BDE408A Basics of Fixed Partial Denture 4 100
5 BDE410A Practice based Endodontics 4 100
6 BDE412A Data Management 4 100
7 BDE414A Management of Medically Compromised Patients 4 100
8 BDE416A Preventive Orthodontics 4 100
9 BDE418A Exfoliative Cytology in Pathologic Diagnosis 4 100

Students are required to select two Professional Core Elective Courses in the V year BDS during internship, one each from PCE-1 and PCE-2 Groups.


Faculty of Dental Sciences is a premiere institute which is recognized by Dental Council of India and has an approved intake of 60 seats for Bachelor of Dental Surgery Programme.

Career Path

Dental Surgeon
Dental Specialist
Dental Researcher
Dental Consultant
Hospital Administration


Start your journey with MSRUAS

Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

Heritage Building, Gnana Gangothri Campus New BEL Road, MSR Nagar, Bengaluru-58

Admission 2024


New BEL Road, MSR Nagar , Bangalore - 560054