Create Lasting Structures With BTech in Civil Engineering

Think of standing at the edge of a bustling cityscape, towering skyscrapers, intricate bridges, and sprawling road networks, part of the skyline. Each building has a tale to tell of vision, precision, and innovation. With a B.Tech in Civil Engineering, you are the architect of this transformation, aided by the ability to shape the very frameworks that shape our world.
From the very first blueprint to the very last line of the build, you will harness state-of-the-art technology and resourceful design to construct infrastructure that will endure through the ages. Embrace this exhilarating career and leave a befitting legacy in art and science, as well as civil engineering.
Why Choose BTech in Civil Engineering?
A civil engineer is usually involved in the construction of roads, bridges, commercial buildings, and residential complexes. The course in B.Tech Civil Engineering will be very effective in setting up a rewarding career and opening up an entire realm of opportunities in the field.
Helping Society
From the day one joins a B.Tech in Civil Engineering, he starts contributing to society. It makes him competent and plays a crucial role in the built society to meet diverse societal needs. You stimulate economic growth, generate job opportunities, and attract investments by making infrastructure and optimally using resources.
High Remunerative and Global Career
It has become a very rewarding profession because the demand for civil engineers reaches almost every company, regardless of size. Thus, a B.Tech in Civil Engineering can bring fat salaries to the professionals since they turn out to be one of the highest-paid professionals in the world. Study from a renowned institution, and you will acquire the requisite technical skill for this lucrative field.
Top Career Options after BTech Civil Engineering
Here is an answer to the question of what to do after B.Tech in Civil Engineering. Below given are some job profiles you can opt for after graduating:
Structural engineer
Facilities engineer
Senior civil engineer
Engineering project manager
Senior civil designer
Civil supervisor
Materials engineer
City engineer
Engineering manager
Director of engineering
Syllabus for BTech in Civil Engineering
Semester 1 (Physics Cycle):
Engineering Mathematics-1
Engineering Physics
Elements of Mechanical Engineering
Elements of Electronics Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Engineering Physics Laboratory
Basic Workshop Practice
Basic Electronics Laboratory
Constitution,Human Rights and Law
Semester 1 (Chemistry Cycle):
Engineering Mathematics - 1
Engineering Chemistry
Engineering Mechanics and Construction Materials
Elements of Electrical Engineering
Elements of Computer Science and Engineering
Engineering Chemistry Laboratory
Computer Programming Laboratory
Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory
Professional Communication
Semester 2 (Physics Cycle):
Engineering Mathematics-1
Engineering Physics
Elements of Mechanical Engineering
Elements of Electronics Engineering
Engineering Drawing
Engineering Physics Laboratory
Basic Workshop Practice
Basic Electronics Laboratory
Constitution,Human Rights and Law
Semester 2 (Chemistry cycle):
Engineering Mathematics -2
Engineering Chemistry
Engineering Mechanics and Construction Materials
Elements of Electrical Engineering
Elements of Computer Science and Engineering
Engineering Chemistry Laboratory
Computer Programming Laboratory
Basic Electrical Engineering Laboratory
Professional Communication
Semester 3:
Engineering Mathematics - 3
Mechanics of Solids
Mechanics of Fluids
Engineering Survey
Engineering Geology and Properties of Soils
Building Materials, Concrete and Construction Technology
Material Testing Laboratory
Survey Practice
Applied Engineering Geology Laboratory
Environmental Studies
Semester 4:
Engineering Mathematics - 4
Transportation Engineering - 1
Structural Analysis - 1
Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines
Environmental Engineering
Building Planning and Computer Aided Drafting
Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines Laboratory
Environmental Engineering Laboratory
Semester 5:
Design of RCC Elements
Structural Analysis - 2
Geotechnical Engineering - 1
Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering
Design & Drawing of Transportation & Irrigation Structures
Drawing of RCC Structures
Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
Extensive Survey Viva Voce
Semester 6:
Geotechnical Engineering - 2
Design of Steel Structures
Estimation–Costing and Engineering Economics
DSM & Finite Element Analysis
Transportation Engineering - 2
Design and Drawing of Geotechnical and Environmental Structures
Design and Drawing of Steel Structures
CAE Laboratory
Semester 7:
Professional Core Elective - 1
Professional Core Elective - 2
Open ElectiveI
Project Work – 1, Internship (Choose one)
Semester 8:
Professional Core Elective - 3
Professional Core Elective - 4
Project Work - 2
Be a Leader in Infrastructure with B.Tech. Civil Engineering at M.S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
The Faculty of Engineering and Technology at M.S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences presents a four-year B.Tech. in Civil Engineering. This programme is designed to equip students with critical, analytical, and problem-solving skills, fostering independent and innovative thinking for careers in Civil Engineering or further academic pursuits. While providing a deep understanding of Civil Engineering, the flexible curriculum also introduces students to emerging trends and equips them with advanced skills, including applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in the field.
Objectives of B.Tech. Civil Engineering
To impart comprehensive knowledge of Civil Engineering systems and their subsystems.
To deepen understanding of the fundamental engineering principles underpinning Civil Engineering systems.
To model, simulate, and analyse the behaviour of Civil Engineering systems for performance prediction and enhancement.
To design and construct Civil Engineering systems tailored to specific needs.
To provide training in instrumentation and testing of Civil Engineering systems.
To train students in the use of commercial software tools for designing, modelling, and simulating Civil Engineering systems.
To build and test Civil Engineering systems with practical applications.
To offer training in professional ethics, history, economics, social sciences, and interactive skills essential for professional practice.
To provide a broad perspective on lifelong learning and career opportunities in industry, business, and commerce.
Long Story Short
The B.Tech. in Civil Engineering at M.S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences will provide a very sound platform for building critical thinking, analytical skills, and creativity through problem-solving. Enrol in the B.Tech. in Civil Engineering programme at M.S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences and begin your journey to make a lasting mark on this world.