
Ms. Bhoomika R.

Senior Lab Assistant

Ms Bhoomika R joined as a Tutor at the Department of Fashion Design under the Faculty of Art and Design, RUAS in 2019. Her areas of interest pertain to pattern making and garment construction, surface embellishment, jewellery making, fashion illustration and textile & fashion design CAD.

She is a diploma holder in Apparel Design & Fabrication Technology (2017) and has a Bachelor’s degree in Fashion & Apparel Design from Bangalore University (2019).


  • BSc in Fashion & Apparel Design (2 years)

    Bangalore University

  • Diploma in Apparel Design & Fabrication Technology (3 years)

    Board of Technical Examinations


Total Experience: 4.24 Years

Tutor RUAS 2019 — present

Training Experience

  • Detail study about an Apparel Industry in Shahi Exports Pvt. Ltd (unit 31) & completed one month Internship training.
  • I have under gone observation training in weaving for one month at Ministry of Textiles, Government of India, Weavers service Centre with Certificate.

Research Interest

Pattern Making and Garment Construction Surface Embellishment Jewellery making Fashion illustration, Textile & fashion design cad

Research Expertise

Pattern Making and Garment Construction Surface Embellishment