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Dr. Somashekhara Ganganna

Professor and Head

  • School/College

    Faculty of Natural Sciences

  • Department

    Department of Mathematics and Statistics

Dr. Somashekhara G works with the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, that falls under the Faculty of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, RUAS. Overall, he has 20 + years of teaching and 14 years of research experience. He teaches students who have enrolled into the Bachelor of Technology , Master of Science, Bachelor of Science. He specializes in research pertaining to differential geometry and Riemannian geometry. He published more than 50 papers in reputed journals and published some papers as a book chapter, in his guidance three students obtained Ph.D . He is working as doctorial committee member in in Visvesvaraya Technological University and in Presidency University. He obtained his Master of Philosophy degree at Bharathidasan University and his Doctor of Philosophy degree at Bangalore University. He is a member of Ramanujan Mathematical Society, Indian Society of Technical Education, Scientific and Technical Research Association and International Association of Engineers.


  • Ph.D. (Differential Geometry)

    Central College, Bangalore University, Karnataka, 2013

  • M.Sc. (Differential Geometry)

    Bangalore University, Karnataka, 2002

  • M.Phil.

    Bharathidasan University, Tamilnadu, 2008

  • B.Sc. (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics)

    Sree Siddaganga College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Karnataka, 2000


Total Years of Experience

20+ Years

Training Experience
  1. Attended Mission 10X teacher training programme conducted by Wipro

  • Differential Geometry and Riemannian Geometry

  • Best Library User Award 2023
  • BOS Member in RUAS
  • Research coordinator in RUAS
  • Department Academic Advisory Planning Committee (DAAPC) in RUAS
  • Doctoral committee member in Visvesvaraya Technological University and in Presidency University
  • NEP Committee member in RUAS

Ph.D. Dissertation:
  • A Study on Geometric Properties of Contact Manifolds
National Conference Papers
  • National conference on analysis and applications of Mathematics held at Reva Institute of Technology on 23rd  Feb 2013, Bangalore. Presented paper on Pseudo-Projective curvature tensor in (Epsilon, delta)-trans- Sasakian manifolds.
  • National Conference on Applied Sciences and Humanities held at KSSEM on 5th May 2015.Presented paper on some results on generalized ((k, µ)-space Forms.
  • 13th Kannada vignanasammelana, 15-16 September 2017, Ramaiah University Bangalore. Presented paper on “KhagolaVijnana- Hittichinabelavanigegalumattuavakashagalu”.
International Conference Papers
  • Recent Advances in Mathematics and applications (ICRAMA-2010) January 13-15, 2010, University of Burdwan, West Bengal. Presented Paper on Pseudo projective curvature tensor in trans-Sasakian manifold
  • International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2018) on 5th August 2018, ISBN: 978-93-87433-32-8. Presented paper on “Some results on slant submanifold of trans-Sasakian Manifolds.
  • 2nd International Conference on Researech Trends in Engineering, Applied Sciences and Management held on 23rd Sep 2018. Osmania university campus Hyderabad, Telnagana State. Presented paper on title” Classifiaction of totally umbilical slant submanifolds of a (k,mu)-contact manifold
  • International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications(ICMA-2020) held on February 28-29,2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Bangalore University. Presented Paper: Generalized Weakly Symmetric D-Homothetically Deformed LP Sasakian Manifold
  • 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied and Computational Mathematics held on 10th and 11th October 2022 organized by Reva University Bangalore
National Journal Papers
International Journal Papers
  • Nagaraja.H.G and Somashekhara.G, “On Pseudo projective curvature tensor in Sasakian manifolds” Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, Vol. 6, 2011, no. 27, 1319 - 1328, ISSN-1313-6569.
  • Nagaraja H.G, Somashekhara.G and Premalatha, “On an(,) Trans-Sasakian structure” Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. 2012, 61, 20 – 28, ISSN-1736-6046.
  • Nagaraja.H.G and Somashekhara.G, “Generalized Sasakian space forms and trans- Sasakian manifolds”Acta Mathematica Academia Paedagogicae Nyiregyhazienis Vol. 28(2) 2012, P-207-216 ISSN-1786-0091.
  • Nagaraja.H.G and Somashekhara.G, “Special trans-Sasakian manifolds and curvature conditions” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol 81 No 3, 2012, p-411-420 ISSN- 1311-8080.
  • Somashekhara.G and Nagaraja.H.G,“ On K-Torseforming vector field in a trans-Sasakian generalized Sasakian space-form” International Journal of Mathematical Archive. 3(7),2012,2583-2588, ISSN-2229 – 5046.
  • H.G Nagaraja and Somashekhara.G ,“-Curvature tensor in (k,mu)-contact manifolds” Mathematical Aeterna, 2(6), (2012), 523-532, ISSN-1314-3336.
  • Nagaraja.H.G, Somashekhara.G and Savithri Shashidhar, “ On Generalized Sasakian space-forms and trans- Sasakian manifolds”ISRN Geometry, Vol. 2012 (2012), Article ID 309486, 12 pages, ISSN-2090-6307.
  • Somashekhara G and H.G Nagaraja, “Weakly Pseudo-Projective Symmetries of ()-trans-Sasakian manifolds” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 5 (2013), pp. 401-410, ISSN 0972-9828
  • Y.B. Muralabhavi, G S Shivaprasanna and Somashekhara.G, “On 3-dimensional(-)Trans-Sasakian structure” International Journal of pure and applied Mathematics,2013, Vol 87 No.3, 405-413, ISSN-1311-8080.
  • D.G Prakasha, H.G Nagaraja and Somashekhara G, “On (N(k),)-Semi Riemannian 3-manifolds” Italian Journal of pure and applied Mathematics 32, 115-124 , 2014 ISSN-2239-0227.
  • Shivaprasanna G S, Y .B Muralabhavi and Somashekhara G, “Weakly quasi-conformally symmetries of generalized (k,µ) space forms” Volume 10, IOSR Journal of Mathematics, PP -70-78, 2014. e-ISSN:2278-3008.
  • Somashekhara G, Shivaprasanna GS and Y .B Muralabhavi, “On Semi-SymmetricMetric Connection in a Generalized (k, µ) -Space Forms” International Journal of Mathematics Trends and Technology – Vol. 9 No. 3 , 2014.p-173-188, ISSN 2231-5373
  • Savithri Shashidara and Somashekhara G, “Lightlike Hypersurfaces in semi Riemannian manifold with semi-symmetric non metric connection” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Research, Vol. No.3, Issue No.2, (2015), 2002 – 2011.
  • Savithri Shashidara and Somashekhara G “ Generalized Sasakian space form admitting semi-symmetric connection” Journal of Ultra Scientist of physical Sciences , Vol. 27(2)A, 107-112 (2015).
  • Somashekhara G, ShivaPrasanna, Y .B Muralabhavi and Rudraswamy Y. J “Invariant submanifolds of (epsilon-delta) trans-Sasakian manifolds” Scholars Journal of Physics, Mathematics and Statistics , Vol.2,(2015), pp-191-195, ISSN 2393-8056
  • Somashekhara G, S.Prasanna and Bhavya.K“Invariant submanifolds of special trans-Sasakianstructure” Global Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics.ISSN 0973-1768 Volume 13, Number 4 (2017), pp. 1183–1193.
  • G.Somashekhara, N.Pavani and S.Girish Babu “A Note on Invariant Submanifolds of LP-Sasakian Manifolds” International Journal of Mathematics And its Applications, Volume 5, Issue 4 (2017), 505-512, ISSN: 2347-1557.
  • Somashekhara G, Bhavya K and Shivaprasanna “Ricci Solitons on (-)Trans-Sasakian Manifolds” International Journal of Mathematics And its Applications Vol. 5, Issue 4{D (2017), 539-545 ISSN: 2347-1557.
  • Somashekhara G and Bhavya K “Some results on Slant submanifolds of (k,m)-contact manifolds”International Journal of Advances in Mathematics , Vol. 2018, Number 1, P-50-56, 2018,eISSN 2456-6098.
  • G. Somashekhara , S. Girish Babu and N. Pavani “On a Semi-symmetric Metric Connection in Generalized” Sasakian Space forms Satisfying Certain Curvature Conditions” International Journal of Mathematics And its Applications 6(2018),p-55-62 ISSN: 2347-1557.
  • SomashekharaG and Bhavya.K “Some Results on Slant Submanifolds of Trans-Sasakian Manifolds” IJRECE, Vol.6,(2018) Issue 3, ISSN 2393-9028.
  • Somashekhara.G and Bhavya K “Classification of Totally Umbilical Slant Submanifolds of a ()-Contact Manifolds” JETIR, Vol.5, Issue-9 (2018) ISSN-2349-5162.
  • Somashekhara.G and Pavani. N “- Ricci Solitons on a Real Hypersurfaces in a complex Space Form of Certain Curvatur Tensors” Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences,Vol. 10(5),(2019) 1204-1209, ISSN-2319-8133.
  • Somashekhara. G and Girish Babu S “Weak Semi-symmetric Metric Connection in Generalized Sasakian Space Forms” Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Vol.10(5), (2019) 1197-1203, ISSN:2319-8133.
  • Somashekhara. G and Pavani.N “The study of Real Hypersurfaces of a Complex spce form”, International Journal of Engineering, Applied and Management Sciences Paradigms, Volume 54 Issue 3,p-437-441, 2019, ISSN:2320-6608
  • Somashekhara.G, Pavani N and P.S.K Reddy, “Invariant submanifolds of LP Sasakian manfolds with semi-symmetric metric connection” Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 12 Issue 2(2020), ISSN: 1821-1291, Pages 35-44.
  • Shivaprasanna, Md.Samiul Haque and Somashekhara G, “-Ricci soliton on f-kenmotsu manifolds”,Journal of Physics, 1543(012007) (2020).
  • Somashekhara G, Shivaprasanna G S and Prabhavathi Angadi “-RicciSolitons in -Para Kenmots Manifolds”, Journal of Physics, 1597(012032)2020
  • Somashekhara.G and Bhavya K “On pseudo-slant Submanifolds of Generalized Sasakian Space form” Journal of Physics, 1597(012052)2020
  • Somashekhara G, Md.Samiul Haque and Shivaprasanna,“-Ricci soliton in three-dimensional “()-trans-Sasakian manifolds”,WAFFEN-UND KOSTUMKUNDE JOURNAL, 2020 ,Vol.XI, issue- III ISSN NO:0042-9945.
  • Somashekhara.G, Girish Babu.S and P.S.K Reddy, "Indefinite Sasakian Manifold with Quarter- Symmetric Metric Connection,PJMS,2020 , 24, No-1, 91-98
  • N. Pavani, G. Somashekhara, Shivaprasanna G.S. and Gangadharaiah Y.H., (2020), CR-Sub-Manifolds of -Trans-Sasakian Manifolds Admitting Generalized Symmetric Metric Connection International J. Math. Combin. Vol.3, 56-64, ISSN:1937-1055.
  • G S Shivaprasanna , Prabhavati G. Angadi, G Somashekhara G and P S K Reddy’’ Ricci Yamabe Soliton on Submanifolds of some Indefinite Almost Contact Manifolds” Advances in Mathematics : Scientific Journal 9(2020), No:11, 10067-10080, ISSN:1857-8365
  • G. Somashekhara, S. Girish Babu, and P. Siva Kota Reddy “C-Bochner Curvature Tensor Under D-Homothetic Deformation in LP-Sasakian Manifold’’ Bulletin Of The International Mathematical Virtual Institute, Vol. 11(1) (2021), P-91-98, ISSN:2303-487
  • G Somashekhara, P. Siva Kota Reddy , N Pavani N and G J Manjula ‘’ -Ricci-Yamabe Soliton on Submanifolds of some Indefinite almost contact manifolds’’ J.Math.Compt.Sci. 11(2021) No-3, 3775-3791, ISSN:1927-5307
  • Prabhavathi G Angadi, Shivaprasanna G S, Ragendra R , P. Siva Kota Reddy and Somashekhara G , –Yamabe Soliton on 3-dimensional -para Kenmotsu Manifold, Chinese Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol.1, No.1 , 29-37, 2021
  • Md.Samiul Haque, G. S. Shivaprasanna , G. Somashekhara and Savithri Shashidhar, -Ricci Yamabe Soliton on LP-Sasakian Manifolds, Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science (JMCS), 2021 p-6242-6255, ISSN:1927-5307
  • G. Somashekhara, S. Girish Babu and P. Siva Kota Reddy, Ricci Solitons and Generalized Weakly Symmetries Under D-homothetically Deformed LP-Sasakian Manifolds, Italian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics, accepted for publication. (Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science), N-46, 2021, 684-695, ISSN: 1126-8042
  • Prabhavati G. Angadi, G. S. Shivaprasanna, G. Somashekhara and P. Siva Kota Reddy, Ricci Solitons on (LCS)-Manifolds under D-Homothetic Deformation, Italian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics, accepted for publication. (Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science) , N-46, 2021, 672-683 , ISSN: 1126-8042
  • G. Somashekhara, S. Girish Babu and P. Siva Kota Reddy, Conformal η-Ricci Solitons in Lorentzian Para-Sasakian Manifold Admitting Semi-Symmetric Metric Connection, Italian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics (Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science) , N-46, 2021, 1008-1019, ISSN: 1126-8042
  • G. Somashekhara, S. Girish Babu and P. Siva Kota Reddy, η-Ricci soliton in an indefinite trans-Sasakian manifold admitting semi-symmetric metric connection, Bol. Soc. Parana. Mat. (3) , 2021, (Indexed in Scopus and Web of Science), p-1-9, ISSN: 0037-8712
  • S. Girish Babu and P. Siva Kota Reddy and G. Somashekhara, Conformal Ricci Soliton in an Indefinite Trans-Sasakian manifold, Vladikavkaz Mathematical Journal,2021 (ISSN: 1683-3412, e-ISSN: 1814-0807
  • G. Somashekhara, P. Siva Kota Reddy and N. Pavani, Semi-invariant Submanifolds of Generalized Sasakian-Space-Forms, Intrnational J.Math. Combin. Vol.2, 2022, 47-55, Vol.2, ISSN- 1937-1055
  • G. Somashekhara, P. Siva Kota Reddy, K. Shivashankara and N. Pavani, Slant Sub-manifolds of Generalized Sasakian-Space-Forms, Proceedings of the Jangjeon Math. Soc., 25, 2022, p-83-88, ISSN:1598-7264,
  • Prabhavati G. Angadi , P. Siva Kota Reddy, G. S. Shivaprasanna and G. Somashekhara, On Weakly Symmetric Generalized (k,µ)-Space Forms, Proceedings of the Jangjeon Math. Soc., accepted for publication. (Scopus Indexed), 2022, 25, No.2, 133-144, ISBN: 89-87809-15-3, ISSN:1598-7264
  • , G. S. Shivaprasanna , G. Somashekhara and Bhavya.K invariant submanifold of generalised sasakian space form with semi-symmetric metric connection", Montes Taurus Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2022,4(1), 128-134, ISSN:2687-4814
  • Somashekhara G, Girish Babu , PSK Reddy and K Shivashankara, “On LP Sasakian Manifolds admitting generalized symmetric metric connection” PJMS, 25(2022), No.3, 287-296
  • Somashekhara G, R Rajendra, G S Shivaprasanna, PSK Reddy and Savithri Shashidhar and Khaled A.A Alloush, “ Generalized Sasakian-Space Form in Submanifolds” International J.Math. Combin. Vol.3, (2022), 69-81.
  • Somashekhara G, R Rajendra, G S Shivaprasanna, PSK Reddy and Khaled A.A Alloush, (2023), ON SUBMANIFOLDS OF A SASAKIAN MANIFOLD" Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática, ( Accepted)
  • Somashekhara G, R Rajendra, Girish Babu S, PSK Reddy and Khaled A.A Alloush, Lorentzian Beta-Kenmotsu Manifolds Admitting Semi-Symmetric Non-Metric Connection, 2023, BULLETIN OF THE INTERNATIONAL MATHEMATICAL VIRTUAL INSTITUTE ( Accepted)
  • Somashekhara G, R Rajendra, G S Shivaprasanna, PSK Reddy ,(2023), Pseudo parallel and Generalized Ricci Pseudo Parallel Invariant Submanifolds of a Generalized Sasakian Space form, Proceedings of the Jangjeon Math. Soc ( Accepted)
List of papers Published in Conference Proceedings
  • Somashekhara G and Shivaprasanna G S “Some results on ()-trans-Sasakian manifolds” Proceedings of Conference on Differential Geometry, 105-110, 2013 ISBN 978-81-928387-1-7, held at central college, Bangalore, 2013.
  • Somashekhara G, Shivaprasanna G S “On k-contact manifolds and generalized sasakian space-form” Proceedings of Conference on Differential Geometry, 111-117, 2013 ISBN 978-81-928387-1-7, held at central college, Bangalore, 2013.
  • Shivaprasanna, Md.Samiul Haque and Somashekhara G, “-Ricci soliton on f-kenmotsu manifolds”,Journal of Physics, 1543 (2020).
  • Somashekhara G, Shivaprasanna G S and Prabhavathi Angadi “-RicciSolitons in -Para Kenmots Manifolds”, Journal of Physics,2020
  • Somashekhara.G and Bhavya K “On pseudo-slant Submanifold of Generalized Sasakian Space form” Journal of Physics,2020
Published as a Book chapter
  • Md.Samiul Haque , G. S. Shivaprasanna , G. Somashekhara “Critical Study of eta-Ricci Soliton on f-kenmotsu Manifolds’’ New Insights into Physical Science, Vol.11, Chapter 14, 2021, BP International.
  • ರಾಷ್ಟ್ರೀಯ ವಿಜ್ಞಾನ ದಿನ ಮತ್ತು ರಾಮನ್ ಪರಿಣಾಮ, ವಿಜ್ಞಾನ ಸಾಹಿತ್ಯ 2018, ಕನ್ನಡ ಸಾಹಿತ್ಯ ಅಕಾಡೆಮಿ, ಪುಟ 25-29. ISBN 978-81-949230-2-2.
  • Recent Advances in Mathematics and applications (ICRAMA-2010) January 13-15, 2010, University of Burdwan, West Bengal. Presented Paper on Pseudo projective curvature tensor in trans-Sasakian manifolds.
  • National conference on analysis and applications of Mathematics held at Reva Institute of Technology on 23rd  Feb 2013, Bangalore. Presented paper on Pseudo-Projective curvature tensor in (Epsilon, delta)-trans- Sasakian manifolds.
  • National Conference on Applied Sciences and Humanities held at KSSEM on 5th May 2015.Presented paper on some results on generalized ((k, µ)-space Forms.
  • 13th Kannada vignanasammelana, 15-16 September 2017, Ramaiah University Bangalore. Presented paper on “KhagolaVijnana- Hittichinabelavanigegalumattuavakashagalu”.
  • International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2018) on 5th August 2018, ISBN: 978-93-87433-32-8. Presented paper on “Some results on slant submanifold of trans-Sasakian Manifolds.
  • 2nd International Conference on Researech Trends in Engineering, Applied Sciences and Management held on 23rd Sep 2018. Osmania university campus Hyderabad, Telnagana State. Presented paper on title” Classifiaction of totally umbilical slant submanifolds of a (k,mu)-contact manifold”
  • International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications(ICMA-2020) held on February 28-29,2020 organized by Department of Mathematics, Bangalore University. Presented Paper: Generalized Weakly Symmetric D-Homothetically Deformed LP Sasakian Manifol
  • 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied and Computational Mathematics held on 10th and 11th October 2022 organized by Reva University Bangalore

  • Indian Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics(ISTA).
  • Life Member in Ramanujan Mathematical Society (RMS).
  • Indian Society of Technical Education.
  • Life time member of Scientific and Technical Research Association (STRA).
  • Member of International Association of Engineers(IAENG)

Admission 2024


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