Faculty & Staff

Dr. Srinivasa
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Art and Design
Department of Industrial Design
Dr. Srinivasa is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Industrial Design at RUAS. He earned his Ph.D. Degree in 2024 from Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences in Karnataka, India. My years of experience working with people from different backgrounds, ages and cultural backgrounds have enabled me to build strong relationships with my students. I believe it is important to provide a comfortable, yet challenging living environment for my students to reach their full potentials. My Research interests include product development like agricultural products, consumer products, and automotive products. I have organized workshops and seminars in the Department, Published about 16 papers in indexed journals. My expertise is conceptualizing and visualizing ideas through 2D drawings, as well as 3D solid and surface modeling using AutoCAD, CATIA, and Autodesk Alias and Fusion 360.
- Ph.D. in Product Design
M S Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, 2024
- M.Sc. Engg. in Product Design
Coventry University, UK, 2010
Total Years of Experience30 Years
Academic Experience
- Experience :27.5 Years
Industry Experience
- Experience : 2.5 Years
Training Experience
- Autodesk Alias Training at General Motors
- FDP on Interaction Design organized by Dept. of Art and Design, Ramaiah University
- FDP Training on teaching, research, and empowering organized by Centre for professional development and Training, MSRUAS - Feb 20-24, 2023
- Innovation with Aesthesis, Consumer products
- Agricultural Products
- Srinivasa, Dr. B. S. Dayananda, Dr. A. C. Lokesh (2023), “DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF WEED REMOVING OF GROUNDNUT PLANT”,Volume 22: issue 09, YMER || Issn : 0044-0477-Scopus
- Srinivasa, Dayananda B. S and Lokesh A. C "Design and development of groundnut seed sowing attachment for small-scale landholders" (2022) International Journal of Current Advanced Research, ISSN: O: 2319-6475, ISSN: P: 2319-6505, Impact Factor: 6.614, Available Online at www.journalijcar.org, Volume 11; Issue 08 (B); August 2022; Page No.1480-1484 - WoS
- Srinivasa, B. S. Dayananda, A.C Lokesh (2023), "SOCIO ECONOMIC STATUS OF GROUNDNUT FARMERS IN CENTRAL DRY ZONE REGIONS OF KARNATAKA, India", Volume 17, Issue 11, Page 171-178, Article no. AJARR,106881 ISSN : 2582-3248
- Srinivasa, Dr. B. S. Dayananda, Dr. A. C. Lokesh,(2023), “ A STUDY ON ECONOMIC GROWTH OF GROUNDNUT PRODUCTION IN DRY ZONE OF INDIA”, International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology & Engineering ISSN: 2319-7463, Vol. 12 Issue 8, Impact Factor: 7.957 Page | 85
- Srinivasa, Dayananda B. S and Lokesh A. C "OVERVIEW OF MECHANIZATION AND SCOPE OF AGRICULTURAL IN INDIA" (2022), Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), 2022 JETIR September 2022, Volume 9, Issue 9, www.jetir.org
- Srinivasa, Dayananda B. S and Lokesh A. C (2022), "A REVIEW ON CULTIVATION OF GROUNDNUT AND MECHANIZATION PROCESSES IN INDIA" International journal of innovative research in technology, September 2022 | IJIRT | Volume 9 Issue 4 | ISSN: 2349-6002
- Vinay Anand, Srinivasa (2024), “ Design and Development of Smart Food Grain Storage and Dispensing Unit for Retail Purposes”, TIJER , ISSN 2349-9249 , Volume 11, Issue 8
- Ranjith Gowda RP, Srinivasa, Bala Vignesh (2023), “Design and Development of Portable Coffee Berries Plucking Machine”, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), Volume 10, Issue 4, P- ISSN 2349-5138
- Srinivasa, B.U.Balappa, Kishor M. S "Design and Development of Bullock Cart for Agriculture and Transport Purpose with Improved Usability" Automation and Robotics- Applications in Agriculture and allied disciplines on 20th, 21st September 2013 at SVCE campus, Bangalore, Karnataka
- Srinivasa, Chiranjith Barui, Nitin saurabh "Design of a Filtration Device for Reuse of Residential Waste Water" International Conference on "Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Sustainable RUBAN Society" on 13th and 14th February 2015 at Dayanand Sagar Business Academy, Bengaluru-560 082, Karnataka
- Bhumannavar. P, Srinivasa H. S. Lohit , (2016), “Design and Development of a Low Cost Mobile Spray Pump for Indian Middle Class Farmers” , SASTECH Journal - Vol 15, Issue 1
- Vivek J. Yadav, H. S. Lohit, Srinivasa (2015), “Design and Development of Motorized Wheelchair for Physically Challenged”, SASTECH Journal, Vol 14, Issue 2.
- Ganesh Laxman Bhat, Srinivasa, Vignesh Ravichandran, (2015), “Design of Garbage Collecting System for Residential”, SASTECH Journal ,Vol 14, Issue 1
- Navaneeth, Sharath S. Shirsi, Srinivasa, ( 2014), “Design of a Range of Toys for Visually Impaired Children of 4-7 Year age Group”, SASTECH Journal, -, Vol 13, Issue 1, April 2014
- Shammy. V S, Srinivasa, H. S. Lohit, (2013), “Design and Development of a Low Cost Air Cooler” , SASTECH Journal , Vol 12, Issue 2
- Anuraj. N P, Srinivasa, Vignesh Ravichandran, (2013) “Design of a Food Trolley for Hospitals in India” , SASTECH Journal -, Vol 12, Issue 2
- African Association of Agricultural Economics -c/o University of Nairobi,
- Association of Designers of India
Patents Granted
- Srinivasa, B. U. Balappa, K. B. Vinay "Method, System and Apparatus for Water Purification," Indian Patent Application: 581/CHE/2014, February 7, 2014.
- Granted Application, Patent Number:379382
Patents Applied
- System for Automation of Groundnut Crop Production, Srinivasa, Dayananda B. S. and Lokesh A. C. Application no. 202441036275, RUAS-2023-24