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Dr. Indira Ramarao
Professor of Eminence
School of Social Sciences
Department of Sociology
- (Ph.D. with Specialization)
Sociology - University of Mysore, 1982
- (PG with Specialization)
Sociology - University of Mysore, 1972
- (UG with Specialization)
Sociology & Political Science Majors - University of Mysore, 1970
Total Years of Experience42 Years (University of Mysore)
Professor (02-04-1994-30-04-2014)
Reader( 09-09-1984-01-04-1994)
Lecturer(10-08-1972-08-09-1984)-Department of Sociology, University of Mysore
Additional Charge
- Director, International Centre, University of Mysore(04-03-2004-30-04-2014), University of Mysore
- Honorary Director, Centre for Women’s Studies, University of Mysore(05-06-1997-28-07-2000)
Gender Studies, Sociology of Education, Sociology of Development, Forest Dependent Communities, Research Methodology and People’s Movements
Publications (English)
As Independent Author
- Gender and Forest Management: The Joida Experiences. Mysore: CIDA-Shastri Partnership Project Publication, 2002.
- Women in Technical Education. New Delhi: Sharada Prakashana, 1989.
As Editor
- Chief Editor : Gender and Women’s Studies English-Kannada Translation Equivalents (with Shanthi G and Premula Raman), Abhiruchi Prakashana, Mysore: November 2022.
- Consultant Editor : Sociology-English-Kannada Translation Equivalents, National Translation Mission, Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of Education, Government of India, Mysore : June. 2022.
- Editor : Themes in Sociology of Education (Studies in Indian Sociology) New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2011.
- Editor : Baseline Data on Villages in the Joida Taluk of Uttara Kannada District, Karnataka (Kannada): Shastri App.lied Research Project Publication, 2006.
- Manual for Effective Self-Help Group Management, with Karim Aly Kassam, Mysore : Shastri Applied Research Project Publication 2006.
- Environment, Forestry and Gender : A Select Bibliography (with Karim Aly Kassam), Mysore : CIDA-Shastri Partnership Project Publication, 2001.
- Gender and Society in India (2 Volumes) (with D.K.Behera as co-editor), VOLUME 1 : Theme Papers and Urban Studies, VOLUME TWO: Rural and Tribal Studies. New Delhi: Manak Publications Limited, 1999.
Book Chapters (2000-2022)
- “Inequality, Poverty and Injustice: Changing Contours and Persistent Patterns”, Inequality and Poverty (Editors : R.B. Patil and Jagan Karade), Jaipur: Rawat Publications, 2021.
- “Feminization of Care Giving: Is There a Pattern in Elderly Care?” Ageing, Care and Wellbeing- Reinventing Social Gerontology (Editors: Antony Palackal and Nisha Jolly Nelson), Jaipur : Rawat Publications. 2021.
- “Development as Equity: Towards Creating a Sustainable Future in a Globalizing World”, Diversity, Democracy and Development (Editor : B.K. Nagla), Jaipur: Rawat Publications, 2020.
- “The Sociology of C. Parvathamma: Going beyond Stereotypes”, Re-Imagining Sociology in India : Feminist Perspectives (Editors: Gita Chadda and M.T. Joseph), New Delhi: Routledge India, 2018.
- “Media and Gender Profiling: Stereotyping of Female Images”, Media Ethics (Editors: Asha Krishnaswamy, B.T. Muddesh & Nesara Kadanakuppe), Mysore: Srushti Prakashana, 2018.
- “Convergence between Sociology and Literature: Crossing the Indo-Canadian Borders”, Convergence and Configurations of Disciplines: Canada and India (Editors: B.Hariharan and P.P. Ajayakumar), New Delhi: Creative Books, 2014.
- “Education and the Girl Child”, Schooling, Stratification and Inclusion: Some Reflections on the Sociology of Education in India (Editor: Yogendra Singh), New Delhi: National Council of Educational Research and Training, 2011.
- “Social Justice: The Hidden Faces”, Backward Classes and Social Change (Editors: MH Makwana &Richard Pais), Jaipur: Rawat Publications, 2011.
- “Fructured Aboriginal Identities and the Struggle for Land Rights in Canada: The Calder Saga”. .Ethnicity and Identity: India and Canada (Editor: M.Dasan), New Delhi: Creative Books, 2009.
- “Battered and Bound in their Own Homes: Does Family Violence have an Answer?” .FamilyViolence in India: Human Rights, Issues, Actions and International Comparisons (Editor: Swati Shirwadkar), Jaipur: Rawat Publications, 2009.
- “Gendered Dimension of Care among Forest Dwellers of the Western Ghats “Genderscapes: Revisioning Natural Resource Management (Editor: Sumi Krishna) New Delhi: Zuban, 2008.
Publications (Kannada)
Books (as Independent Author)
- Hennu, Hakku mattu Hoorata (Women, Rights & Struggles) (Collection of Columns on Gender Issues. published in Kannada daily Prajavani between 2009 & 2013) Mysore: Pragathi Prakashana, 2016.
- Hosadaari 11-12: (Collection of Columns on Social issues published in Kannada daily Prajavani during 2011 & 2012) Mysore Jyoti Prakashana, 2012.
- Hosadaari (Collection of Columns on Social issues published in Kannada daily Prajavani during 2009 & 2010) Mysore: Jyoti Prakashana, 2010.
- Manushi (Collection of Columns on Gender) Mysore: Sarah Enterprises, 2007.
- Streevada Diksuchi (Feminism-A Reader), Hampi: Kannada University, 2007 (Third Edition).
- Mahile, Samaaja Mattu Samskruti (Women, Society and Culture). Hampi: Kannada University, 2002.
- Mahile Mattu Kautumbika Himse (Women and Domestic Violence), Mysore: Yashoda Ra.gow Trust, 2000.
- Bharatiya Samaaja (Indian Society), Kannada Pustaka Pradhikara, Bangalore: Government of Karnataka, 1995.
- Moodhanambikegalu (Superstitions), Family Planning Association of India, Mysore: 1988(Second edition published in 1994).
- Saamajika Samshodhana Vidhanagalu (Research Methods in Social Sciences), Mysore: Vidyasagar Printing and Publishing House, 2001(Third Edition).
Books as Editor
- Samaaja Shastra (Sociology-Subject Encyclopedia), Principal Editor, Mysore: Kuvempu Institute of Kannada Studies, University of Mysore, 2012.
- Sociology-Part One and Sociology-Part Two, Volume 1: Textbook for First Pre-University Volume Two: Textbook for Second Pre-University. Hampi: Kannada University, 1997.
Book Chapters (2000-2022)
- “Streevaadi Samshodhane-Samakaaleena Samshodhane: Enu?Etta?” (Feminist Research: What and Where?) Aruhu Kuruhu (Editors: H.S.Umesh and Haalati Somashekar) Vismaya Prakashana, Mysore: 2014.
- “Streevada Mattu Bharatiyate: Stree Samvedana Sahityada Punar Vimarshegondu Ahvana” (Feminism and Indianness: Invitation to Revisit Gender Sensitive Literature). Dhahrani Hejjeya Saddu (Editor: Kavita Rai), Pooja Mudrana Mattu Prakashana, Mysore: 2012.
- “Ma Na Ja Virachita Ambedkar Mattu Saamajika Nyaya” (Ambedkar and Social Justice). Ma Na Ja Sahitya Samagra Adhyana (Editors: M. Leelavati & S. Narendra Kumar), Mysore: Bahujana Media Centre, 2010.
- “Karnatakadalli Aranyavaasi Samudayagala Jeevana” (Life of Forest Dependent Communities in Karnataka). Suvarna Karnataka: Samaaja Mattu Samskruti (Editors: C.V. Mulgunda and G.M. Hegde), Hubli: Sahitya Prakashana, 2006.
- “Bahishkara Mattu Shuddhikarana” (Excommunication and Purification). Kannada Vishvavidyala Vishvakosha: 3 DHARMA (A Subject Encyclopedia of Religion), 2000.
Columns in News Papers
SAMAAJAMUKHI: Weekly Column being published in the Kannada daily MYSORE MITRA since March 2022.
HOSADAARI: A Fortnightly Column on Social and Gender issues published in the Kannada daily PRAJAVANI between January 2009and May2013. The 128 columns published in the series have been published in the form of two books in 2010 and 2012.
MANUSHI: A Fortnightly Column on Women’s issues published in the Kannada daily PRAJANUDI from 2002- 2005. The 87 columns published in the series during this period were compiled in the form of a book in 2006.
- Bharataratna Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Mooknayak Award (2023): Karnataka Media Academy- For columnists writing on people and groups in society’s margins, Bengaluru: Government of Karnataka..
- Lifetime Achievement Award (2022): Indian Sociological Society-Highest & most coveted award which honours Indian sociologists who have made outstanding contributions in the field of sociology.
- Distinguished Alumni Award (2019): Alumni Association, University of Mysore, Mysore.
- H.S. Parvathi Endowment Award (2016): For Issue based writing from Karnataka Lekhakiyara Sangha (this award has been instituted for the first time in the name of renowned Kannada writer H.S. Parvathi).
- Sadodita Award (2011): From Shashwati Trust for significant contribution in the field of research and writing with social and gender orientation.
- Triveni Award (2003): for the Book Mahile, Samaja Mattu Samskruti from Kannada Lekhakiyara Parishat (This award is instituted in the memory of the distinguished Kannada novelist Triveni).
- Scholar-in-Residence (February 1-September 2021)- Centre for Women’s Studies, Bangalore University, Bangalore.
- Visiting Professor (January 24-February 05, 2020)-Department of Sociology, University of Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Academic Director (India) (2017 onwards)-Study Abroad Program in Global Health-Florida International University, Miami, USA & Public Health Research Institute of India, Mysore.
- Scholar-in-Residence (January 1- March 31,2017)-Centre for Women’s Studies, Kuvempu University, Shivamogga.
- Fulbright-Nehru Visiting Lecturer Fellowship (2011): To teach at the University of Iowa, USA during the Fall Semester-United States India Educational Foundation.
- Action Research Project (2011): Research Fellowship awarded to Indian Faculty or members of civil society groups with demonstrated capacities of working towards empowerment of local communities- Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada and Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute.
- Honorary Adjunct Professor (2009-2015)-University of Iowa, USA (this recognition is an acknowledgment of the ‘centrality of my professional expertise to the mission of International Programs of the University of Iowa’).
- Seeing the Forest, the Trees and the People -Two of my research initiatives among the forest dependent communities in the Western Ghats living in the Joida region of Uttara Kannada district in Karnataka recognized as impact making projects in the website of the Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute (www.sici.org).
- Famous Past Fulbrighter (2009) - One of the three former Fulbrighters from Karnataka featured in the section ‘Famous Past Fulbrighters’ in the United States Virtual Consulate, Bangalore.
- Canadian Studies Faculty Research Fellowship (2007): Fellowship awarded to select faculty from Indian Universities to carry out innovative research projects in Canada -Department of Foreign Affairs & International Trade, Canada &Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute, New Delhi.
- Shastri App.lied Research Project (2003-2006): Fellowship awarded to Indian and Canadian academics for carrying out collaborative research projects with a bi-national focus-Canadian International Development Agency & Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute.
- CIDA-Shastri Partnership Project (1998-2001): Fellowship awarded to Indian and Canadian academics for carrying out collaborative research projects with a bi-national focus-Canadian International Development Agency & Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute.
- Fulbright Post-Doctoral Fellowship (1991-1992): United States Educational Foundation in India.
Publications (English)
Journal Articles (2000-2022)
- “Situating Development in a Culture Sensitive and Eco-Conscious Framework: A Roadmap for Policy and Practice”, Sociological Bulletin, Vol.72, Issue 1, 2022, pp.7-17.
- “Lending Voices to the Marginalised: The Power of Narratives as Alternative Sociological Discourse”, Sociological Bulletin, Vol.69, Issue 1, 2020, pp.7-16.
- “Livelihood Practices and Development Choices: Strategies for Achieving a Convergence in Forest Communities” My Forest, Vol.48 (1), March 2012, pp.19-40.
- “Enlightened Citizenship: A Feminist Perspective” Prabuddha Bharata or Awakened India (A Monthly Journal of the Ramakrishna Order Started by Swami Vivekananda in 1896), Vol. 111, January 2006, pp. 32-33.
- “Building Women’s Perspectives into Forest Resource Management: Experiences from Joida”. Prajnavahini (Journal of Dhvanyaloka Centre for Indian Studies) Edition 1, April 2003, pp. 68-73.
- “Education for Women-A Pathway for an Enlightened Society”. Samyukta (A Journal of Women’s Studies) Vol. III, (No. 1), January 2003, pp. 15-20.
Publications (Kannada)
Journal Articles(2000-2023)
- “Democratic Decentralization and Women’s Empowerment”. Yojana, Vol.2 (No.1), August 2012, pp.49-54.
- “Tribal Development: The Irrelevance of a Universal Model”. Budakattu Abhivruddhi Meemamse, Seminar Series No. I, 2004, Prasaranga, Kannada University, Hampi, pp. 49-58.
- “Social Studies and Contemporary Challenges”. Budakattu Adhayana (Journal of the Department of Tribal Studies, Kannada University, Hampi), Tribal Studies No. II, 2004, pp. 39-45. (*Based on the Inaugural Address delivered on the occasion of the Research Convention organized by the Dr. Shamba Joshi Study Centre).
- Member : Board of Governors, Institute for Social and Economic Change, Bengaluru.
- Member : Governing Board, SDM Institute of Management, Mysore.
- Chairman: IRB, YR Gaitonde Medical, Educational and Research Foundation, Asha Kirana Hospital Mysore.
- Member : Research Advisory Council, Stella Maris College, Chennai.
- Governing Trustee : Public Health Research Institute of India, Mysore
- President(2018-2019) : Indian Sociological Society
- Secretary(2014-2015) : Indian Sociological Society
- President : (1999-2001) Karnataka Sociological Association
- Honorary President, Alumni Association of the Sociology Students of the University of Mysore
- President : Samruddhi Foundation, Mysore civil society institution working for empowerment of women, students and forest dependent communities
- Chairperson / Coordinator / Member, NAAC Peer Teams Number of institutions visited= 52