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Ms. Elsy N J
Assistant Professor
School of Social Sciences
Department of Psychology
- PGDCP (In guidance and Counselling)
Calicut University, 2011
- BSc Psychology (Counselling)
Calicut University, 2014
- 2 years Diploma in Philosophy
Kristu Jyoti College, Bangalore, 2015
- MSc Psychology (Counselling)
Christ University, 20201
- MSc Psychology
Madras University, 2021
- SET - Kerala, 2023
Christ University , Pursuing
- Ph.D. (Psychology)
Christ University , Pursuing
Total Years of Experience : 14 yearsAcademic Experience
5 years, Jyoti Nivas College, Indian Institute of psychology and research, Christ New life ICSE school, St. Mary’s School.
Industry Experience
9 years, Society of Kristu Dasis
Research Experience
Self-Care model intervention to enhance emotional well-being among adolescents. (2020)
A comparative study on family welfare of women who are involved versus not involved in Kudumbasree projects in Kerala (2011, Malayalam)
Trauma Exposure and PTSD among Indian Medical Students in Ukraine (2023)
Reviewed articles for the book chapters in IGI Global publishing.
Review board member for the Journal of School-Based Counseling Policy and Evaluation (JSCPE).
- Counselling psychology
- Positive psychology
- Interventions
- Family therapy and child and adolescent mental health
- School counselling
- N. J., E. (2025). Self-Care and Emotional Well-Being of a Women Educators: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. In H. Schnackenberg (Ed.), Narratives on Defining Moments for Women Leaders in Higher Education (pp. 47-64). IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/979-8-3693-3144-6.ch003
- Best Paper award for the paper titled Counselling tribals in India; A need for a culturally sensitive evidence-based practices at Synod of psychologists 3.0 – International conference held on 9th and 10th of August 2024.
- Best teacher award from St. Joseph’s Sunday school, TC Palya, Bangalore in 2015.
- Outstanding student of philosophy batch 2015, Kristu Jyoti College, Bangalore
Paper Presentations
- Presented a paper on ‘Self-Care Model Intervention to Enhance Emotional Well-Being Among Adolescents’ in the International Conference on Multidisciplinary approaches to nurturing children and youth at Christ University (2019)
- Participated in the 5th International conference on Counselling, psychotherapy and wellness held at Christ University, Bangalore, India between January 3 to 7, 2023 and presented a paper titled ‘Religion, spirituality and transpersonal psychology in Indian context’
- Participated in the 5th International conference on Counselling, psychotherapy and wellness held at Christ University, Bangalore, India between January 3 to 7, 2023 and presented a paper titled ‘Trauma Exposure and PTSD among Indian Medical Students in Ukraine’
- Participated and Presented paper titled Counselling tribals in India; A need for a culturally sensitive evidence-based practices at Synod of psychologists 3.0 – International conference held on 9th and 10th of August 2024
- International Society for Policy Research and Evaluation in School-Based Counselling (ISPREC).
- Member of International society for Hypnosis (ISH)
- APA membership from 2023.