Faculty & Staff

Dr. Diya Saha
Faculty of Life and Allied Health Sciences
Department of Biotechnology
I am a qualified bioinformatician with 6 years of post-PhD experience in the field of bioinformatics and computational biology. I have a background in microbiology and my expertise lies in solving infectious disease-related problems using in-silico approaches. Presently, I am working on pathogen-host interactions at the molecular level, using network modelling approaches. In my future research endeavours, I would like to enhance my expertise on network modelling and implement these approaches to model infectious diseases. In addition to my expertise in research, I am also passionate about teaching.
B.Sc (Microbiology), University of Calcutta, 2008
M.Sc (Microbiology), University of Calcutta, 2010
PhD (Bioinformatics), PhD (Bioinformatics), 2017
Pathogen-host interaction networks, RNA-Protein interaction networks, microbial phylogenetics, microbial genomics, microbiome research
- UGC D.S. Kothari Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship
- Horizon 2020, European Post Doctoral Fellolwship
- FNRS, Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship
International Journals
- Preprint, A gut meta-interactome map reveals modulation of host immunity by microbiome effectors, https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2023.09.25.559292v1, V Young, B Dohai, TCA Hitch, P. Hyden, B Weller, NS Heusden, D Saha et al., 2023
- Article, The Intricacy of the Viral-Human Protein Interaction Networks: Resources, Data, and Analyses, Frontiers in microbiology, 13, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2022.849781/full, D Saha, M Iannuccelli, C Brun, A Zanzoni, L Licata, 2022
- Article, Interplay between gene expression and gene architecture as a consequence of gene and genome duplications: evidence from metabolic genes of Arabidopsis thaliana, Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 1-18, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12298-022-01188-2, D Mukherjee, D Saha, D Acharya, A Mukherjee, TC Ghosh, 2022
- Article, Exostosin-1 Glycosyltransferase Regulates Endoplasmic Reticulum Architecture and Dynamics, https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.09.02.275925, https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.09.02.275925, D Kerselidou, BS Dohai, DR. Nelson, N De Cock, DK Kim, J Olivet, DC ElAssal, A Jaiswal, D Saha, C Pain, F Matthijssens, P Lemaitre, M Herfs, J Chapuis, B G hesquiere, D Vertommen, V Kriechbaumer, K Knoops, CL z-Iglesias, M vanZandvoort, JC Lambert, J Hanson, C Desmet, M Thiry, KJ Lauersen, M Vidal, P Van Vlierberghe, F Dequiedt, K Salehi-Ashtiani, JC Twizere, 2021
- Article, A molecular interaction map between Klebsiella pneumoniae and its human host reveals mechanisms of host cell subversion, Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2021.613067/, D Saha & S Kundu, 2021
- Article, Deciphering the intrinsic properties of fungal proteases in optimizing phytopathogenic interaction, Gene, 711, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gene.2019.06.024, S Podder, D Saha, TC Ghosh, 2019
- Article, Alanine substitution mutations in the DNA-binding region of a global staphylococcal virulence regulator affect its structure, function and stability, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 113, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2018.03.045, S Mandal, S Ghosh, D Sinha, S Seal, A Mahapa, S Polley, D Saha, K Sau, A Bagchi, S Sau, 2018
- Article, The role of introns in the conservation of the metabolic genes of Arabidopsis thaliana, Genomics, 110, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ygeno.2017.12.003, D Mukherjee, D Saha, D Acharya, A Mukherjee, S Chakraborty, TC Ghosh, 2018
- Article, Overlapping regions in HIV-1 genome act as potential sites for host-virus interaction, Frontiers in Microbiology, https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2016.01735, D Saha, S Podder, TC Ghosh, 2016
- Article, Overlapping genes: A significant genomic correlate of prokaryotic growth rates, Gene, 582, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gene.2016.02.002, D Saha, S Podder, A Panda, TC Ghosh, 2016
- Article, Overlapping genes: a new strategy of thermophilic stress tolerance in prokaryotes, Extremophiles, 19, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00792-014-0720-3, D Saha, A Panda, S Podder, TC Ghosh, 2015