Faculty & Staff

Mr. Anush Nayak
Assistant Professor
Faculty of Life and Allied Health Sciences
Department of Allied Health Sciences
- Master of Optometry
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, 2019
- Bachelor of clinical Optometry
Manipal Academy of Higher Education, 2017
- Consultant Optometrist - Eye Tone Clinic & Opticals, Udupi
- Assistant Professor - Netrajyothi Institute Of Allied Health Sciences, Udupi
- Glaucoma, Instrumentation
- Secured First Prize in Proposal Presentation in Research organized by Manipal College of Health Professions student research forum held on 22nd January, 2019
- Awarded Best Poster and secured First Prize in poster competition at ASCON 2019 held on 22nd and 23rd June, 2019 at Chandigarh
- Awarded the Best Outgoing Student of Bachelor of Clinical Optometry (B.Optom) for the year 2016
- Nayak, Anush., and kk, siddharth.“Pentacam and Intraocular Lens: A narrative review”. Manipal Journal of Health Professionals. 1(1):15 – 23.2018
- Prabhu VA, Nayak A et al. Can the Novel Coronavirus be found in the Ocular Tissues and Secretions? An Opinion. J Ophthalmol 2020, 5(2): 000204.
- Karthikeyan SK, Nandagopal P, Suganthan V, Nayak A. Challenges and impact of COVID19 lockdown on Indian optometry practice: A survey-based study. Health care. Journal of Optometry. 2020;3:6.