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Dr. Anitha D S

Dr. Anitha D S

Professor and Head

  • School/College

    School of Social Sciences

  • Department

    Department of Psychology

Dr. Anitha D. S is a familiar name in psychology pedagogy and practice in Bangalore. She is currently heading the Department of Palliative and Specialized Care, and Centre for Professional Counselling at Ramaiah Memorial Hospital, Bengaluru. She holds a Ph.D. from Jain University, Bangalore in Palliative care and an MPhil from Bangalore university in Developmental Psychology. Dr. Anitha has several years of teaching experience at Bangalore University and has supervised a number of master dissertations. Dr. Anitha has authored various publications in psychology journals of repute nationally and internationally. As a member of the board of studies, Dr. Anitha is also affiliated with Christ University, Kuvempu distance education for psychology and CMR Institute.


  • Ph.D. in Palliative Care

    Jain University, 2014

  • M.Phil. Psychology

    Bangalore University, 1991

  • M.A. Clinical Psychology

    Bangalore University, 1989


Total Years of Experience

30 Years

Academic Experience
  • Lecturer at NMKRV First grade college for women (1993 - 1998)
  • Guest faculty at Bangalore University (2000-2002, 2004-2006,2007-2013)
  • HOD, Department of Psychology, Surana PG Center, Kengeri, Bangalore (2003-2004)
  • Child mental health consultant to Manasa Educational Foundation
  • Resource person for distance education in psychology (Kuvempu University)
  • Consultant to Shrusti-NGO (2010 - present)
  • Coach UPSC KAS aspirants -private
  • Guest Lecturer at Kalabyraveshwara college of Nursing, Vijayanagar (1996-2000)
  • Consultant psych-oncologist
  • Invited Guest Lecturer at Ramaiah College for Physiotherapy

  • Clinical Psychology
  • Palliative Care

  • A comparative study of Quality of Life and Burden of caring among the Caregivers of cancer Patients” at 7th National and 1st International conference of Academy of Psychologists, April 2011 (Best paper presentation)

List of paper / poster presentations in conferences and seminars
  • Oral presentation of paper titled “Integrated approach of yoga for memory development” at an International Conference, Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation, Deemed University, Bangalore, 1992, on Frontiers in Yoga, Research and Applications
  • Oral presentation of paper titled “Burden of Caring for Adult Mentally Retarded Persons” at National Conference on Aging and Development, August 2004, Bangalore.
  • Oral presentation of paper titled “Coping Strategies used by caregivers of Diabetics” at Asian Regional Conference on Aging with Health and Dignity: Strategies and Best Practices, February 2006.
  • Oral Presentation of paper titled “Achieving Quality in Education through Enhancing the degree of acceptance of students’ participation by the teachers” at National Academy of Psychology, March 2010.
  • Oral presentation of paper titled “Marital Adjustment among the spousal caregivers of cancer patients” at 7th National conference of Indian Association of Mental Health (IAMH), March 2011.
  • Oral presentation of paper titled “A comparative study of Quality of Life and Burden of caring among the Caregivers of cancer Patients” at 7th National and 1st International conference of Academy of Psychologists, April 2011.
  • Oral Presentation on Self Concept and Anxiety: A comparative study of students in a Residential School” was the oral paper presentation presented at National Conference on “Child and Adolescent Psychology: Challenges and Issues, 10th and 11th February 2012.
  • Oral presentation of paper titled “A Explorative Study: Mothers Assessment of Temperament of Mentally Retarded Child” at National conference on “Child and Adolescent Psychology: Challenges and Issues, 10th and 11th February 2012.
  • Oral presentation of paper titled “A Explorative Study: Mothers Assessment of Temperament of Mentally Retarded Child” at National conference on “Child and Adolescent Psychology: Challenges and Issues, 10th and 11th February 2012.
  • Oral Presentation “Satsang involving Music (Bhajans and Prayers) and Perceived Well Being” was the oral paper presentation presented at International Conference on “Psychology of Music and Mental Health, April 27-28, 2012.
  • Oral presentation and Second Author for the paper on “Comparative study of Locus of Control and Self-concept among Traditional and Modern School Children” ” at National conference on “Child and Adolescent Psychology: Challenges and Issues, 10th and 11th February 2012.
  • Oral Presentation “Relationship between Quality of Life and Self-Efficacy among the caregivers of Palliative Care Cancer Patients’’, at XXII NAOP conference held at Christ University, Bangalore 10-12 December 2012.
  • Oral Presentation “A study to Evaluate the Behavioural Problems in Children with Allergic Rhinitis” Common wealth Associatiobn for Health and Disability, at International Conference of COMHAD,in collaboration with Ramaiah Medical college, IAP Bangalore, NIMHANS, UNICEF, DME, RGUHS, held at Ramiaiah Medical College, 2018, 8th & 9th December.
Poster Presentation
  • “Attitude of adults towards the elderly people”, CCR-IFCU conference, In Aging: Emerging issues, 2003, CCR-IFCU Project on Ageing and Development, August 2003.
  • “A Comparative study of Burden of Caregiving for Mentally Retarded Children as compared to Caring for Cancer Patient” at April at 7th National and 1st International conference of Academy of Psychologists, April 2011
  • “Relationship between quality of life and depression among the caregivers of lung and breast cancer patients in palliative care”, IAPCCON 2013, 20th International conference of Indian Association of Palliative care, 8-10 February 2013.
  • “A Comparative study of stress among the caregivers of esophagus and cervical cancer patients in Palliative care”, Behavioural Medicine Unit, Department of Clinical Psychology, NIMHANS, Bangalore, 14th December 2012
  • Stress among the caregivers of women cancer caregivers, Psychological Issues and challenges related to women and children, Maharanis Arts Commerce

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