
Overview of Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) and Understanding National Academic Depository (NAD)

Welcome to our university’s comprehensive guide on two essential initiatives revolutionizing the educational landscape – the Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) and the National Academic Depository (NAD). These groundbreaking systems aim to enhance academic mobility, streamline credit transfer processes, and ensure transparency in the academic ecosystem. By beautifully combining technology and education, our institution is at the forefront of empowering students and educators alike. Let’s delve into the essence of ABC and NAD and discover how they benefit the academic community.

Section 1: The Academic Bank of Credits (ABC)

1.1 Understanding the ABC Concept:

The Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) is an innovative framework that allows students to accumulate academic credits earned from various institutions, including our own university and other recognized higher education providers. These credits are then stored securely in a centralized digital repository, facilitating seamless credit transfer, credit recognition, and credit redemption for future educational pursuits.

1.2 Key Features and Benefits:

Transparent Credit Tracking: The ABC system enables students to maintain a digital record of their academic achievements, making it easy to access and share their credit history with other institutions.

Flexibility in Course Selection: With the assurance of credit transfer, students can explore a wider range of courses across different institutions, fostering interdisciplinary learning and personalized educational paths.

Lifelong Learning: ABC promotes lifelong learning by allowing students to accumulate credits across their educational journey, ensuring continuous skill development and career enhancement.

Section 2: The National Academic Depository (NAD)

2.1 Unraveling NAD’s Purpose:

The National Academic Depository (NAD) is a national-level initiative designed to store, verify, and maintain academic documents in digital format. This repository is aimed at providing secure and authenticated access to academic certificates and records, eliminating the need for physical documents, and mitigating fraudulent practices.

2.2 Core Features and Advantages:

Tamper-Proof Document Storage: NAD ensures the integrity of academic records through blockchain-based technology, making it virtually impossible for unauthorized alterations.

Immediate Verification: The system allows employers and other educational institutions to quickly verify the authenticity of a candidate’s academic credentials, streamlining recruitment processes and credit transfers.

Reduced Paperwork: NAD significantly reduces paperwork and the need for physical document handling, promoting a greener and more sustainable approach to academic documentation.

Section 3: Harmonizing ABC and NAD for Seamless Mobility

3.1 Integration for Enhanced Student Experience:

By synergizing the Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) and the National Academic Depository (NAD), our university has created a comprehensive academic mobility framework. Students can securely store their earned credits and academic certificates in NAD, while ABC ensures a smooth transfer of credits between various institutions.

3.2 Encouraging Collaboration and Growth:

The integration of ABC and NAD promotes collaboration among educational institutions, as it fosters a shared responsibility in maintaining accurate and up-to-date academic records. Moreover, this collaboration enhances institutional credibility and promotes a conducive environment for student growth and development.

As our university adopts the pioneering Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) and becomes an integral part of the National Academic Depository (NAD), we pave the way for a transformative educational experience. With seamless credit transfer, increased academic mobility, and tamper-proof record-keeping, our institution stands firmly at the forefront of innovation in education. By embracing these cutting-edge systems, we ensure that our students are empowered to create their personalized learning journeys and reach new heights in their academic pursuits. Join us in this academic revolution as we shape the future of education together!

Message from the Registrar

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff,

I am delighted to announce the successful implementation of the National Academic Depository (NAD) and the Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) at our esteemed university. These transformative initiatives mark a new era in academic record-keeping and recognition of student achievements.

With NAD, we have embraced a digital approach to store and manage academic records securely. Your certificates and mark sheets are now easily accessible online, eliminating the hassle of physical documents and ensuring their authenticity with digital signatures.

In addition to NAD, we have introduced the Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) to recognize and value your efforts beyond conventional classroom learning. ABC allows you to accumulate credits for co-curricular activities, internships, and other skill-building experiences, enriching your academic journey and making you more market-ready.

These initiatives wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication of our team and the support of our students and faculty. I encourage all students to register with NAD and actively engage with ABC to unlock new opportunities and foster holistic development.

Let’s continue to embrace innovation and excellence as we forge ahead into a brighter academic future.

Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences & Head of NAD and ABC

Message from Joint Controller of Examinations, Chief of Operations for NAD & ABC

Dear Students and Faculty”,

As the Joint Controller of Examinations and Chief of Operations responsible for NAD and ABC, I am glad to witness the successful launch of these pioneering initiatives. The National Academic Depository (NAD) and the Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) represent a leap forward in how we recognize and acknowledge academic accomplishments.

NAD provides a secure and centralized platform for the digital storage and verification of academic records, ensuring the integrity of your certificates and mark sheets. This modernization streamlines the verification process and enhances trust in your academic achievements.

Moreover, ABC introduces a dynamic approach to evaluating your overall growth and skill development. Beyond traditional academic courses, ABC acknowledges your participation in various extracurricular activities and experiential learning, presenting a comprehensive picture of your capabilities to prospective employers and higher education institutions.

Our university takes pride in being at the forefront of educational innovation, and NAD and ABC are a testament to our commitment to empowering students with an all-encompassing academic experience.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all stakeholders involved in bringing these initiatives to life. Let us embrace these opportunities and continue to evolve as a knowledge-driven community.

Joint Controller of Examinations,
Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Chief of Operations for NAD and ABC”

Message from Nodal Officer for NAD & ABC

Dear Students and Staff”,

I am thrilled to announce the successful implementation of the National Academic Depository (NAD) and the Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) at our university.

NAD marks a significant shift towards digital record-keeping, making your academic documents accessible at your fingertips. This secure and centralized repository ensures that your certificates are always within reach, while the tamper-proof digital signatures guarantee their authenticity.

Simultaneously, the Academic Bank of Credits (ABC) empowers you to broaden your horizons and earn recognition for diverse learning experiences. Whether it’s participating in student clubs, taking part in internships, or showcasing your talents, ABC values all aspects of your growth, beyond the conventional curriculum.

I want to express my gratitude to the entire team that has worked tirelessly to make NAD and ABC a reality. As a student your active participation will be instrumental in harnessing the full potential of these initiatives.

Let us embrace this new chapter with enthusiasm and make the most of the opportunities that NAD and ABC bring forth.

Warm regards,

Mr Jesudass Anthoney
Nodal Officer for NAD and ABC”
Contact No : +919591480122
Mail : nodalofficer.​nad@​msruas.​ac.​in


NameRoles & Responsibilities 
Dr G S Venkatesh Registrar — RUAS NAD & ABC HEAD
Dr A G Prathab A/​c Holder & Chief of Operations for NAD & ABC, RUAS
Mr. Jesudass Anthoney Nodal Officer & Head Tech Desk for NAD & ABC, RUAS 
Mobile No : +919591480122, Mail ID : nodalofficer.​nad@​msruas.​ac.​in
Mr. Gautham Nagaraj RUAS ERP & Data Centre In charge for NAD 
Ms. Sharanya Srinivas ‑Research, Ms. Gagana Priya — Purchase Verification Team & Enquiries,
RTC Campus : nadcell.​rtc@​msruas.​ac.​in
GG campus : nadcell.​ggc@​msruas.​ac.​in
Faculty Co-Ordinator’sAcademic Coordinators of all Faculties of RUAS 


ABC Mandatory Registration — Notification


Link to Student to UPLOAD ABC ID (Mandatory for all Students) : https://​forms​.office​.com/​r​/​Z​2​f​d​j​bK8f4
Link to ABC official website :
Link to NAD official website :