Ramaiah Innovation Centre for Healthcare Technologies (RICH-Tech)

The Ramaiah Group of Institutions is known across the country for its engineering and medical schools, hospitals, and applied engineering capabilities in various fields. It houses two hospitals that jointly have a capacity of more than 1600 beds, provide quality healthcare, a strong medical education, as well as a platform for medical research. The Group also includes the reputed Ramaiah Institute of Technology (RIT), and the Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (RUAS), an innovation-intensive university that promotes multidisciplinary research through its 9 Faculties. The Techno Centre, which is part of RUAS, has over 15 years of experience in product development. It has also solved and executed more than 500 research and engineering problems in the defence sector as well as in various industries. 

To leverage the high quality of intellectual and physical resources in different fields of medicine and engineering available within the Group, the Ramaiah Innovation Centre for Healthcare Technologies (RICH-Tech) was established. This initiative seeks to develop products in the healthcare domain by channeling the talent, intellect, resources, and facilities available. 


  • To develop innovative biomedical devices and systems that can facilitate information gathering, diagnosis, health monitoring, therapy, surgery, and control in various fields of healthcare
  • To develop cost-effective implants and prosthesis
  • To develop effective rehabilitation-specific biomedical devices
  • To develop futuristic, technology-based products for healthcare
  • To develop virtual visualisation technologies for clinicians to plan surgical operations and print 3D medical models
  • To develop mobile apps for effective healthcare and telemedicine
  • To patent the developed technologies and commercialise them through potential business partners

Who is an Innovator?

Any faculty or staff member from any of the Ramaiah Group’s medical, engineering, dental, and pharmaceutical schools, or from any of the Group’s facilities, is considered an innovator if they have a relevant idea for healthcare. A responsible member of society who does not belong to the Ramaiah Group is also considered an innovator if they have an innovative idea for the healthcare sector.

What is an innovative idea?

An innovative idea should lead to the creation of a product that:

  • Can be a device, system, software, or mobile app
  • Is an improvement over an existing product
  • Adds additional features to an existing product that help in diagnosis, therapy, monitoring, etc
  • Has a clear application and scope for commercialisation