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Oct 25, 24

3D Printing Workshop on Bio-Medical Innovation

3D Printing Workshop on Bio-Medical Innovation

An engaging workshop on the latest technology advances in Additive manufacturing or 3D printing, specially for the Bio-Medical sector, was held on the 23rd of October, 2024, at the Ramaiah Medical College Council Hall. This was jointly hosted by Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences and the Additive Manufacturing Society of India, as part of the 13th International conference on 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Technologies – AM24 (24-25th 2024 at The Lalit Ashok, Bengaluru).

The workshop saw renowned scientists from academia and industry, share state of the art developments, navigating from nanoscale additions to tissue engineering, microscale layers in a layer by manner, molecular engineering on to scaffolds for drug development and delivery, surgical guides to address extremely complex implants, osseointegration and remedies via 3D to 4D structures, novel bio-inks, via sustainable and indigenous manufacturing of metal and bio-3D machines. The workshop saw over 60 participants over the day’s proceedings with 7 eminent speakers from IISc, VIT, Vellore, Supercraft 3D, AMACE solutions, Next big Innovation labs and CTARS, at RUAS.

3D printing

Admission 2025


University House, New BEL Road, MSR Nagar, Bengaluru - 560054