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Dear students, faculty, and researchers,

I am pleased to welcome you to the webpage of Office of Research & Innovation at the Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences. Our goal is to foster an environment where researchers and scholars can pursue cutting-edge research and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields. We believe that research is not only crucial for the academic growth of our institution, but also for the socio-economic development of the society at large.

Ramaiah University being a multi-disciplinary university with institutions offering programs ranging from Health sciences to Engineering, and Management as well as Social Sciences and Law, we are rightly positioned to undertake both inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary research. We encourage focus on applied research to find solutions to the problems we face today.

The departments and institutions are encouraged to identify specific thrust areas in alignment with the global sustainable development goals as well as national priorities. Recruitment of faculty, research professors and advisors, collaborations with other institutions are planned to support research in the defined thrust areas. We have 21 research centers and 5 centers of excellence led by some of our active research professors. Young and new faculty are supported with seed funding to develop their research infrastructure and capacities, while the senior faculty are supported with the intra-mural grants to augment their research ecosystem. A good no of our research faculty is regularly winning the extra-mural grants from government agencies such as ISRO, DRDO, DBT, DST, SERB, VGST, etc. and this trend has been progressive over the years.

We have active collaborations with institutions of repute within the country and internationally, and we encourage our faculty to network and collaborate with them for faculty and student exchange programs and research training. I am happy to inform you that RUAS has been implementing New Education Policy in several of its institutions, where there is greater thrust for research training at the graduate level through the Honors programs. Master’s students are trained in undertaking independent research and are immersed in the industry to understand the real-world problems.

PhD programs are an active part of the research ecosystem, and we have both part time ad full time options. Full time scholars are provided with junior and senior research fellowships in addition to being supported with laboratory support much needed to carry out their research work.

RUAS Innovation Center encourages and supports the students and the faculty members to develop innovative and creative ideas to solve societal and market problems. In parallel, Ramaiah Technology Business Incubator (RTBI) is established to support novel ideas and start-ups with funding from MSME (Gol) and K-tech (GoK). The incubator nurtures Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship among Public at large as well as Student community.

Office of Research is guided by the Research and Innovation Council that draws members and experts from institutions of eminence and the senior leadership team of the RUAS. Over the years they have shaped the policies and the progressive research ecosystem at RUAS. With their continued guidance and active effort by the able faculty, we are confident that RUAS will shortly become one of the premier institutions in the country undertaking cutting edge, multi-disciplinary research to solve the pressing problems of the society which is our sole objective.

I invite you to explore our Research Office section and learn more about our research initiatives, achievements, and collaborations. I also encourage you to reach out to us with any queries or suggestions.

Thank you for your interest in research at Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences.

Dr. Dheepa Srinivasan
Dean, Research and Innovation

Admission 2024


New BEL Road, MSR Nagar , Bangalore - 560054