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The Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy deals with the ownership and commercialisation of intellectual property generated within the University or jointly with third parties. It includes patents, copyrights, and other forms of ownership of rights to intellectual property.

Ownership of intellectual property is determined in the following ways:

How Generated


Student,Project — Undergraduate and Postgraduate


Ph.D. Research


Sponsored Research Projects and Consultancy Arrangements


During Teaching / Learning, On campus Activity


Intellectual Property Generated by a non-member of the University, but entered into an agreement with University for communication of Patent / IPR

Inventor(s) Student's & Project Supervisor's Research Scholar & Project Supervisor's Research Team Student's and/or Member of Staff Third Party Inventor(s)
Patent Owner University University Sponsoring Agency or University or Joint ownership University Third Party & University Patent Owner
  • Expenses related to the filing and awarding of the patent will be borne by the University.
  • Those interested in the commercialisation of University-owned IPR should enter into an agreement with the University. The University may appoint consultants or patent commercialisation organisations for this purpose. The terms of the agreements will be negotiated in each instance on a case-by-case basis.
  • In Category 5, the commercialisation of the IPR will be the subject matter of a separate agreement between the University and the inventor/s.
  • The University reserves the right in its absolute discretion to decide upon whether to file an application for the award of patents or not.
  • On commercialization of a patent, the net revenue (after dedication of all expenses incurred) generated by the University may be shared with the inventor/s. The percentage given to the inventors normally ranges between 15 to 25% of the net revenue.
  • For all situations described in Clause 1 above, an empowered committee — constituted by the Vice Chancellor — will be the final authority to make decisions with respect to technology, commercialisation agreement, revenue sharing percentages, and other commercial and legal aspects of such agreements.

Admission 2024


New BEL Road, MSR Nagar , Bangalore - 560054