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To Design and Develop an Automatic Dispenser for Border Molding in Complete Denture Prosthesis focusing on ergonomics, functionality and safety

School of Low


Microvascular free flap reconstruction is a routine option for coverage of a variety of tissue defects. Accurate monitoring in postoperative period is a crucial part for early detection of vascular compromise and prompt intervention in flap salvaging.

School of Low
School of Low

Inability to identify the flap vascular compromise in golden period would lead to flap failure which increases the morbidity of the patient and also the costs involved. Since long time, a variety of alternative techniques for free flap monitoring have been tried. Despite the above measures flap failure rate of up-to 4% and re-exploration of 10% is quite common1. The existing techniques to monitor the flaps are all manual and labour intensive. Hence the quest for a device to remotely monitor the vascular health of the flap has been a major requirement of plastic surgeons worldwide.

The patented ‘Flap oxy monitoring device for remotely monitoring flap/respiratory health among patient(s) in critical care situations’ (Patent Number: Ref No. 201941048922 App. No. E-2/3462/2020/CHE) is set to address these issues and revolutionize the way reconstructive surgeons can monitor their flaps rendering more accuracy. The same principles when extended to monitoring of the patients of respiratory diseases can prevent the disastrous complication of low oxygenation and also alert the stake holders involved in the care of such individuals.

Admission 2024


New BEL Road, MSR Nagar , Bangalore - 560054