Danta Bhagya Yojana
Danta Bhagya Yognae first of its kind in the country. Karnataka state is first to have a scheme pertaining to the betterment of oral health for senior citizens was launched on 7th December 2014 by Honourable Chief Minister Siddaramaiah which came into effect from May 2015.

Danta Bhagya Yogane envisaged to provide free complete dentures to senior citizens of Below Poverty Line (BPL) card holders and their family members who have undergone complete teeth loss.
The Family and Health Welfare Department had entered into a memorandum of understanding with 45 government and private dental colleges and hospitals in Karnataka for the implementation of the scheme. The Government’s Oral Health Policy Committee is monitoring the camps and the implementation of the scheme.

Faculty of Dental Sciences, Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences, Department of Prosthodontics is also one among the dental colleges to sign Memorandum of Understanding with Family and Health Welfare Department for the implementation of the scheme.
Under Danta Bhagya Yogane the Department of Prosthodontics has been treating patients from Chickaballapura District, were patients has been identified and referred from Chinthamani taluk, Bagepallie taluk, Gudibande Taluk, Siddlagatta taluk, Gauribidanur taluk, and Batallahalli general hospital to the college.
Camp in Kaiwara Rural Health Center with COVID 19 treatment Protocols
Patients identified by the Government Dental Health officers of the above respective places have been treated in camps. These dentures camps has been co-ordinated with Public Health Department and patients are treated in Kaiwara Rural Health Center, Chickaballapura District Health Hospital and also in our Dental College.

Kaiwara Rural Health Center

Dhantabhagya Yojane Camp
Bangalore rural patients specifically from Avalahalli and Hoskote places also been treated in camps either in their place or in the college. BPL card patients who walk into the college along with referral card form Government Dental Health officer is also registered and treated in the college from other parts of Karnataka state. The camps have been arrange every month either in the college or in the Kaiwara rural health center , Chickaballapura District health Hospital, Hoskote and Avallahalli dental health center to deliver the dentures for the patients in batch of 10 to 15.

The food and transportation for the patients to pick and drop has been arranged from the college bus. The camp is either done in two or three sitting were two procedures have been done in single day.
The Teaching staff of Prosthodontic Department, Post Graduates, under graduates, Lab Technicians and Attenders actively participate in the camp for delivery of dentures. Department of Prosthodontics have been appreciated by Government of Karnataka during the first year (2016) of the implementation of the scheme for treating highest number of cases in the Karnataka.
In the year 2018 for second time we were appreciated by Government of Karnataka for being in top three dental colleges for delivering highest number of dentures in the Karnataka.

Faculty of Dental Sciences, Ramaiah University of Applied Science was among the top three colleges that delivered the highest number of complete dentures through this scheme and their efforts were appreciated at the Symposium on “An update on oral health policy, Karnataka” held at Yenepoya University, Mangalore on 19th July, 2017.
Certificate of Appreciation