Walk 2 Heal Walkathon

Walk 2 Heal Walkathon took place in Cubbon park on 7th January 2024 at 06:00 am which brought together individuals passionate about preserving traditional practices and promoting sustainable living. Participants walked through the Park, emphasizing the importance of reconnecting with cultural heritage and incorporating eco-friendly habits into daily life.
The Rotaract Club of RUAS actively participated in the event, leveraging the powerful medium of street play to convey the significance of Desi Cows in promoting eco-friendly living. The club members showcased their dedication to social causes by skillfully combining entertainment with a profound message, capturing the audience’s attention and fostering awareness.
The GoPal Walkathon, with the enthusiastic involvement of the Rotaract Club of RUAS, successfully achieved its goal of reconnecting people with their roots and promoting eco-friendly living. The street play catalyzed inspiring positive change, leaving a lasting impression on the community and contributing to the overall success of the event.