Deans Message
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The Faculty of Dental Sciences (FDS) at the Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences is a comprehensive dental education unit with three interrelated verticals - academics, research, and patient care.
Students are taught and trained in our classrooms and laboratories. Well-structured, credit-based programs are offered by 9 departments and 2 super specialities. Value-added courses such as law for dentists, patient safety, accident and emergency postings, and community orientation programs are also offered.
Patient care is managed by the Ramaiah Dental Hospital, which is attached to FDS. Here, experienced faculty members deftly deal with the oral health issues of patients while prioritising their safety and comfort. Students are thus given the opportunity to observe, up close, the application of theoretical, classroom learning.
Research at FDS is undertaken by faculty members and students to improve the current understanding of oral health, diseases, and disorders. This also paves the way for more innovative and effective techniques, tools, and procedures to address oral health issues.
FDS's three-pronged approach to oral health creates an environment that is conducive to active learning. Theoretical learning is balanced with practical application, and ground breaking research is complemented with state-of-the-art infrastructure.
I extend a warm welcome to all as they begin their journey from knowledgeable students to compassionate healthcare workers.
Wishing you all the very best in all your future endeavours!