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Greetings from the School of Social Sciences!

The school of Social Sciences is a young school comprising the departments of Psychology, Sociology, Economics, Data Science, and Public Policy. Being young, it thrives on conviction, courage, and compassion - values that we impart in you - our students - that we believe will stand you in good stead through your lives.

  • Conviction: Believe in the importance of the work you do and the importance of your role in that work
  • Courage: Stand for truth, justice, and equality, always
  • Compassion

Our students learn to commit themselves to their chosen course of study and strive to achieve academic excellence. The faculty on their part commit themselves to impart knowledge, skills, and attitudes that employers look for. We emphasis an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning focusing on actionable knowledge.

Twenty-first century jobs require diverse skills including critical thinking, problem solving, conflict resolution, and communication. Employers seek graduates with higher order conceptual and analytical abilities; intrapersonal skills; and positive self-attitude that can improve outcomes across industries and vocations.

The school adopts employment training curricula that integrate academic courses, career development, and mentorship programs. What is more, we have professors of practice with significant experience in addition to outstanding academics teaching all of you.

These features set us apart.

Welcome to the School of Social Sciences!

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Gurucharan Gollerkeri IAS (Retd.)
Director, School of Social Sciences

Admission 2024


New BEL Road, MSR Nagar , Bangalore - 560054