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Mr. Sagar Suresh

Project Engineer


Mr. Sagar Suresh joined Techno Centre's Engineering Department on September 4th, 2023,with the role of Project Engineer within the Electronics team. With a primary focus on software related work, Sagar has worked on data retrieval and processing aspects for bionic hand.


Degree Institute Year
B. E in Computer science and engineering M S Ramaiah institute of technology 2023


Total Years of Experience:

6 Months

Industry Experience:

• Techno Center Engineering: 6 months(Sept 4th 2023 – present )

  • Interest in web development
  • Interest in Big data
  • Machine Learning.
  • Used tools such as pandas, numpy for bionic hand project and web development tools such as HTML,CSS.
  • I have used wordpressfor managing website.

  • Computer science related programming

StudyProgrammes Offered

Admission 2023 group


M. S. Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences No-470-P, 4th Phase, Peenya Industrial Area, Bangalore — 560058