
Inter faculties/Schools
TCE & Faculties of RUAS jointly work to execute most of the research project funded by DRDO’s and Indian Defense Forces. TCE executes these projects under the guidance of Faculties with specific subject, which includes

Department of Aerospace Engineering
for CFD, Structural Design, Thermal & Analysis activities
Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering
for Composite Structural design, Material selection, DFM/DFMA & Manufacturing Process
Department of Electrical Engineering
for Motor/ Generator Designs with Electro Magnetic Analysis
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
for Al & Other Electronics hardware design & implementations
Department of Management Studies
for Study & Market Trend Analysis/Survey projects
Faculty of Dental Sciences
for Design & development of Dental instruments & portable kits
Medical College
for Conversion of innovative Ideas from medical practitioner into workable prototypes & transfer of technologies to industries
Department of Aerospace Engineering
for CFD, Structural Design, Thermal & Analysis activities

The Ramaiah Technology Business Incubator (RTBI) was established in 2018 through the Indian Trusts Act 1882 with the registration number YPR‑4 – 0031-2017 – 18 (dated 22-01-2018).
Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences (RUAS), aims to promote a culture of entrepreneurship among students, faculty members, and interested citizens through RTBI. The “Not-For-Profit” entity provides incubation services to novel and selected technology start-ups working in sectors including — but not limited to — IoT, ESDM, Robotics, and Intelligent Systems. At present 15 Startups has been incubated at RTBI premises.
Techno Centre team provides continues support and mentorships to all incubates at RTBI during their day to day operations.

Techno Centre Engineering (TCE) team regularly interacts with student from all faculties like FET, FDS, FMPS, etc. for
- Guest lecturing
- Students are exposed to selected projects case studies relevant to their subjects, which earlier executed at TCE in the domains like Electronic System Thermal management, Design & Analysis and Automotive Transmission Design.
- Students of Faculty of Dental Sciences are lectured on 3D Printing Technologies with the live demonstrations
- Intense Tool training is given to the team from “Training & Life-Long learning” department
- Software Lab Sessions on Explicit Dynamic simulations tool is conducted for the benefit of students from Department of “Aerospace & Automotive Engineering”.
- CAE Software related guidance is given to students of UG/PG (M.Tech/ M.Sc. Eng) during their group and individual projects especially in Thermal Analysis, CFD Analysis, and EMAG Analysis.
- TCE offers Internships to students in Mechanical, Electronics & Biomedical Domains.