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Pharmacognosy is a systematic science of morphological, chemical, and biological properties along with history, cultivation, collection, extraction, isolation, characterization, quality control, and preparation of crude drugs of natural origin.


This discipline deals with naturally derived drugs and incorporates modern analytical techniques for the authentication and standardization of crude drugs. Pharmacognosy is significant to the discovery of new drugs, and as per the WHO, nearly 70% of the world’s population rely on herbal and natural products for the treatment of various ailments, preferring them for their lack of /minimal side effects.

Development of herbal drug formulations, nutraceuticals, and cosmeceuticals are also the integral part of the discipline. The department was established in the year 2004 and produced post graduates with sound knowledge and skill to cater their services in herbal drug industries and other related domains.


This program will equip students to develop advanced knowledge in theoretical and applied topics.

  • To offer high order skills in analysis, critical evaluation, and professional application
  • To develop globally recognized ethical, responsible Pharmacognosist contributing to nation-building
  • To inculcate the ability to think differently and independently
  • To cultivate the ability to solve complex problems related to research and Pharmaceutical processes

International Competitions

Students can earn 1–3 credits by participating in the international competitions, or with a presentation in a conference or publication in a journal that wins awards. Students can earn additionally 1–3 credits through participation in international competitions through technical work.

Group Project

A group of 5 students can work on a project of an interdisciplinary nature and be constituted of members from across departments. Students are required to develop a report for assessment and demonstrate the working of the project. The IPR rights of all such work lies with the University only.

Industrial Internship/Project

Students can opt for internship in an industry, business or research organization. Alternatively, students can undertake a mini-project requiring self-directed study that can be perused within the affiliated Faculty. It is also necessary for the student to submit a report and make a presentation to the members of the panel constituted by the HoD for assessment.

Dissertation And Publication

There are two parts to this course, a dissertation and publication. Each student has to choose a relevant topic and work individually to write the dissertation. The topic needs to be approved by the committee constituted by HoD. Publication is a stage wherein dissertation work of the student is converted into a technical paper to be published in reputed conferences/journals.

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Message From The HoD

Pharmacognosy is a precise discipline which deals with crude drugs of biological origin like Plants, animals and minerals. Herbal drugs have been playing a major role in health care sector across the globe in combating various health problems.

Dr. Ashoka Babu VLAssociate Professor & Head - Department of Pharmacognosy

StudyProgrammes Offered

Admission 2025


University House, New BEL Road, MSR Nagar, Bengaluru - 560054