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Periodontics as a specialty in dentistry encompasses the prevention, diagnosis, and the treatment of diseases of the supporting and surrounding tissues of the teeth, their substitution, maintenance, and aesthetics.


Periodontal diseases are one of the leading causes of tooth mortality, it is essential to enhance awareness in people and health care professionals about it. Adequate knowledge is of utmost importance in the treatment of periodontal diseases.The department of periodontology is a premier center for integrated scientific learning, advanced research and a forerunner in clinical practices.

  • The program is designed to prepare professionals with competence in general and special areas of interest with clinical proficiency and in research and its methodology.
  • To impart knowledge on growth and development of the stomatognathic system in general and the periodontium in particular.
  • To enhance the understanding of the common oral and systemic diseases affecting the periodontium including the etiology, clinical manifestations, and differential diagnoses.
  • To critically analyse various treatment options and deliver them efficiently in an evidence-based rational approach.
  • To develop knowledge and skills in the science and practice of Oral Implantology.
  • To impart training on instruments and techniques for various procedures for periodontal treatment.
  • To provide a general perspective and opportunities for a career in periodontics.


Modular Teaching

All teaching learning delivery, including assessment, is defined for every module and as according to DCI requirements.

Credit-Based System

Learning experience is measured using a credit system for transparency and clarity in the global platform.

Importance To Formative Assessment

Periodic assessment assists in both self-improvement and sets goals for achievement. It also helps in program evaluation and feedback for improvement.

Focus On Development Of Transferrable Skills

Importance is given to communication skills and leadership, which help in transferring learning to action in society.

Research Focus

Student research skills are honed and scientific curiosity nurtured, especially since evidence-based dentistry is the backbone of clinical practice.

Our Vision

To be a premier center of excellence in the field of periodontology delivering pragmatic learning and innovative research, center for integrated learning and providing holistic patient care .

Our Mission

To deliver quality periodontal care on a patient centered attitude, social responsibility and commitment and to achieve highest level of knowledge and clinical competency in the specialty.

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Message From The HoD

Dr.Kranti K, Professor & Head of the Department of Periodontology welcome you all to the department. Periodontics is a branch of Dentistry dealing with the supporting structures of the teeth in health & disease.

Dr. Kranti KHead-Department of Periodontology

StudyProgrammes Offered

Admission 2024


New BEL Road, MSR Nagar , Bangalore - 560054